
Fruits and Nauts

Yeah that’s a game.

Blueberry Garden is out since a week. It’s a short game, strange and soothing with a great music. 5 euros for some dreams, go get it and support it.

Free Realms, over 2 million users in less than a month. Big social networking stuffs plus video upload to Youtube from the game.

Scribblenauts did have a good response at the E3 (named best game of the show several times). It seems like a japanese game but it’s not. I like what 5thCell US developer did on the gameplay and art style.

Solving problems with words summoning them in the game world is really clever. And boosts emergent gameplay.

Interview of ThatGameCompany people at Kotaku.

I’m not a fan of the new art of Monkey Island the Remake. Delicious details from the making of the original at Grumpy Gamer. And then I want my childhood back. The circus blew me away that’s true.

Homeless Sims.

The game audio mixing revolution? Well I don’t know, I’m more thinking about before the final stage of sounds in computer games. The final stage is mostly handled by machines by now, it’s gonna increase. The important thing is before. I can’t see that without MIDI and heavy use of soft samplers and synthetizers.

We’re not gonna be able to follow emergent gameplay and communities with pcm and rigid sound assets now that’s for sure.