Me Myself&I


This year I told myself that I would take any opportunities in front of me and that it would be the year I exploded. Whatever it means.

Shade Me
Et on reprend les bonnes habitudes..

I moved to L.A. found an oustanding partner and am so ready to push it hard, doing audio like crazy. I miss some tools, they’re on their way. After three months without producing new content, without my dear 5.1 that makes me want no tv no movies no nothing because sound is all I need, I’m frea-king starving.

Years and thousands of hours of the same routine stopped temporarily, some important details to solve, money flying by no doubt why I did get back smoking cigarettes. Damn it, I should stop already.

I have to shut down ideas in my brain because I can’t realize them. As you know ideas are cheap, making and finish them is what is hard and all about.

The production of SideFlip the iPhone game I’m working on didn’t go very well. Too much experience of what we should fix and go for first, not enough experience of managing people, especially without contracts and just trust from words. Eventually it’s gonna be out soon (we’re in beta).

I did the 8 mn original music, all audio fxs, design 20+ puzzles –some I can’t solve now!-, manage the consistency and ergonomy of the GUI, report bugs and all that boring stuff but I failed at making it happen in time. Like says my friend Sean Bonner I’m just shit at providing structure to people I work with. I want to get better at it. Or find people who don’t need it.

Anyway some music from me is gonna be featured in Boxgame by Sophie Houlden, the internet game of the month in Edge magazine next month! I can’t wait. Oh and play it, it really is a fun platform-puzzle game.

I did not explode yet but the fuse is burning steadily.