

I’m thinking about something. I’m looking at my laptop, blowing the shit out of its fans when I’m playing a big 3D game or when I launch an effing Flash player.

I’m looking at these crazy powerful graphic cards we have now. the last ones are selling at indecent prices but it has to: when you think that a PS3 has 7 stream processors while the last high-end graphic card has 1440 of them, is capable of feeding three displays at a ridiculous 2560×1600 resolution each, is built with 4,3 billion transistors, you quite easily understand why.

Then I’m looking at the OnLive Beta preview. It’s working pretty well but it’s still laggy and not playable on games requiring fast action. But servers are not a home.

See where I go?

Crossfire X
Go away from me. Compute the hell out of you and make me a sandwich bitches.

Why don’t we have a sort of OnLive Home System? Imagine a box with these graphic monsters, in the basement. Everytime you launch a game or a heavy application on your laptop/netbook/tablet/phone/fridge, the box would use this processing power and send it to your device. The latency issue is almost solved on servers outside your home, I guess on a LAN it would be fine or really close of being real time (less than 10ms).

Instead of that, manufacturers are trying to squeeze HD capabilities into netbooks. Who the fuck cares to watch a HD movie on a 10 inches or less screen. What is the point to have a mobile device that is going to burn your thighs. Manufacturers, stop following enthusiasts who want everything and would sell their mother for it. Aim for sustainability and mass market. Look at Nintendo ffs!

Playing at 60 frames/second on my favorite games on my devices without feeling that my machine is going to take off would be crazy awesome. I want that so bad actually. Yes, consoles sort of do that. Look at how the powerful 360 is having so many overheating problems: designed in early 2003, they didn’t have a lot of options except having the power brick out of the console. Still too hot.

I want the engine to be far away from me using the computer. Like we did with cars, making the engine less and less intrusive in terms of noise or/and space. Hiding it while enjoying its power.

Maybe Steve is going to announce that with the iTablet. “Use your Mac Tower Power to have amazing 3D games on your iTablet thanks to the Airport Turtle! You need an iTunes account though”.