Me Myself&I

I’m serious


If we legalize all drugs, minorities –I mean, everybody but white people- would automatically get control of it (estimation for the US only for 2003: 321 billion $).

If it happens, the balance of power between the “West” and the rest of the world would change so dramatically that it can’t happen. For now.

Maybe even some region of the world would become much more attractive than Europe and the US. Mexico’s insane violence (2010, 15 273 people murdered) is pretty much all drug-related. Other than the annoyance of the high possibility of getting killed in the worst manner possible, I’m sure it’s a nice place to live.

I’m always amazed to see that cannabis for example was totally legal when the business was controlled by the English empire. It went illegal when India claimed its independence. It became illegal when Jamaica claimed its independence.

It became illegal in the US when Mexicans and black people were using it, changing dramatically the country in the early 1900s, working their ass off and inventing the cool that will spread out and be part of the US culture. White America  could stop the prohibition but just couldn’t take that “minorities” were and are happy with weed.

It’s illegal in France because hashish equals Arabs and that despite being a country open to so many things and ideas, France doesn’t want to accept its culture blend. Which also means sharing power (millions of euros market) with non-white people. And this nasty play about values and moral on how drugs are bad while alcohol is legal and globally, the leading cause of death for males aged 15-59… During that time the prison system is a profit-making industry (click on the number 1). I mean, it’s just sick man.

So in the end there’s no rational political behavior about drugs because it’s just a matter of losing huge power: could you imagine how strong would become South America if instead of smuggling cocaine to the US and Europe they were trading it to the richest, smartest white people in the world like they do since decades but this time without the BS? They could fucking rule the UN, Swiss banks and own the NASDAQ. Latinos ruling white institutions?

Yeah, it’s the worst nightmare ever for the current system. Hence the century old war on drugs. It needs to stop.

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