

Like a shitload of creative work.

Three usually praised games that always make me want to say “Come on, son”.

– Another World

Killing slugs with my feet and learning by heart how the fuck they fall from the ceiling. So immersive.

I met Eric Chahi and love the man but no, I don’t like this game. Controls are awful, there’s no flow, you just die over and over. The at that time insanely impressive intro is a nerd fantasy -holoscreen fap fap fap- as is the end -dragon, fap fap fap- and although I applause the technical and artistic quality of Another World -trust me, I had the VHS of Micro Kids watched over and over-, I don’t think it should be venerated like it is because it’s just not that great of a game. I was very disappointed when I played it, so pumped by the famous intro. It’s one of the first milestone of a movie-like focused game industry, born from the envy to be considered as art, sorry Art. By copying film features instead of pushing gameplay, game design and its own marvels.

– Mortal Kombat

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Lord. I’ve never been able to get over these lifeless, lazy designed, clown-looking characters. Even now it still makes me cringe the shit out of me. The most retarded way to block an opponent in a fighting game. The sound, oh my fucking god. The whole concept of Babalities is just… It’s beyond my understanding how lame and douche-y this game was and worse, massively successful (11 games?). I was 12 when the first game came out and it just never came close to the appeal of the amazing Street Fighter II and Streets of Rage I was playing at that time. But after playing these a lot, well… It’s the game that definitely told me that Americans can possibly have the worst taste ever. Super Mario Bros the movie was right at the corner, validating my thoughts.

– Metal Gear Solid


I can’t. I appreciate the character design, crazy ass robot shit and breaking the 4th wall, but I’m bored to death with stories and restricted freedom. People forget that the appeal of the first version on PS1 was that it was such an insane gap for console gamers after the Genesis/SNES era. A complex, full real time 3D stealth adventure game? That was more than crazy. I grew up mostly being free in games with flight simulators, Doom and stuff so it didn’t hit me as much. Watching MGS 4 is so painful -80s gameplay with ultra realistic shadows and PS2-like mazes-, I understand why Uncharted felt so fresh and fluid when it came out months before. So kudos for the tech, aesthetics and re-launch of a franchise. But the game/gameplay/experience? I can’t.

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