
Please do care about input

Disclaimer: yes, I’m mad after hundreds of games ruined by that WASD, selfish thing.


Guys, games are about control. Input is core. Core.

How the fuck can you disregard keyboard issues when making a game so much?

How can you not integrate lefty features in first person view?

Don’t give me no BS, I know it’s totally doable and easily so.

Fuck your gamepad, I just want to play with my left hand on the left side of the keyboard and not on those stupid ass arrows, stuck in the right corner. WTF is wrong with you don’t you see that it sucks and that your game will suck? You don’t want to make a menu for custom controls, fine then freaking use keyboard positions instead of letters. I’ve seen it done, it works. PLEASE OH GOD FUCKING DO IT. Four lines of code what the hell it makes me mad at how BAD developers are at accessibility. If you think along the lines of “fuck those 75+ million of people with weird keyboards who can’t appreciate our game ha ha what a bunch of retards!” you are the worst.

It’s not even for me, it’s for your goddamn game that you should care. That people will get a good experience and spread the word about how cool your stuff is. Passing on that in a world of digital distribution and huge noise is moronic to say the least.

Another thing:

If you are a righty, this picture feels wrong. If you are a righty and mentally try to throw that grenade looking at that left arm, your brain gets confused and I bet you will not aim that good if at all. THAT’S ME IN YOUR STUPID RIGHTY-ONLY FPS WORLD.

Pretty much a DECADE that first person view games assume that we all are right handed, aiming with our right eye. Fuck that trend, fuck that roller coaster focus that pushes game designers to only think about players in terms of camera.

At first in FPS, weapons were in the middle of the screen if showing up. Then like everything based on Half-life engine you could switch to match your preference with the default being righty. I remember changing the settings. It changed everything. Accuracy -and that is, fun- reach that level of satisfaction where you don’t constantly think that “if only I could not be disturbed by this right hand BS”. Now there’s no choice, it’s righty and nothing else.

Reasons given for not having left-handed options in games: it’s only 10% of the population. Time to implement lefty features: 10 minutes (instead of displaying the arm on the right you display it on the left, nothing else changes). Sure do NOT care, that could be so bad for you. Search on the internet for southpaw + new first person game. People are desperate and frustrated. WORSE, how does it make sense when you give me the option of watching around with my left thumb on a gamepad, with my weapon on the right? WEIRD, people it feels like controlling a crane! If you go left, do it all the way.

I’m glad Fender and other music instrument manufacturers never thought this way good god. It actually costs them tons of money to have a southpaw line compared to programmers. Lefties are part of this world, 10% of the population out there is left-handed. That’s a lot. 75+ million French/Belgium keyboards, that’s a lot.

Please make the keyboard and left handiness issues things of the past by adding the few extra lines of code for us. FIX THAT PROBLEM ONCE AND FOR ALL. You just need to care, all the way. I know, it’s hard.


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