Me Myself&I

Reducing Silos System

But there’s another reason Google decided to put its RSS reader to death. According to Mountain View, most of us simply consume news differently now than when Reader was launched.

“As a culture we have moved into a realm where the consumption of news is a near-constant process,” says Richard Gingras, Senior Director, News & Social Products at Google. “Users with smartphones and tablets are consuming news in bits and bites throughout the course of the day

These news are more than often coming from RSS links, stupid. Nothing changed, you want me to change to follow your agenda Google, and you will wait like forever.

As a user says:

I don’t want to read what Google thinks I want to read. I want to read what I want to read. I used Google Reader as a way to check on all the sites I read without having to bookmark and visit every single one. I kept up with webcomics. And it did all that by me just clicking a button and subscribing, not by having to "teach" it and wading through recommendations I wasn’t really interested in.

Fuck your algorithm and your attempt to control what I read.

Me Myself&I

Different week start

After two days at my foster mom’s I realize that I’m a real life hack. Her granddaughter is my age and lives up the street, she never invites her for lunch. Only when I’m there.  My foster mom always cared for me but she’s still surprised that I come regularly, after all those years. After all, officially I don’t have anything to do with her. Her sister who lives across the street fostered a black kid too, she never saw nor heard of him again once he left.

So hacking. I broke into this family with my nice baby face and now I’m as part of it as if I had the same blood, without the problems like resentment or jealousy. Same with my (other) family! Anyway, it gives me a sense of why I never want to just do and follow like everybody else and almost need to hack, make it my way, questioning everything, trying to build healthy bases in everything I do etc.

It’s exhausting talking to two moms that having nothing in common either with me or between them in the same day. It really brings me a different perspective though.

Me Myself&I

WTH Europe, Thanks Germany, Hang on Turkey

The problem wasn’t and isn’t austerity. It’s applying it at a bad time when it doesn’t work but yes, austerity should have been what Europe does. Look at Germany, they’re good. They went through twenty years of hard austerity though, while France Spain Italy Greece were like “nah, let’s just abuse a little bit more our national debt”.

I feel like we abused Germany on this because well, since the end of WWII Germany can just STFU, right?

But Germans were probably right to push other countries to follow a plan that is making them the only big European country that has a running and alive economy. We can now STFU and follow them, I think (which is not what the US want because if the entire Europe becomes strong like Germany, they can say bye-bye to China’s support of the dollar. Yeah, humans are nasty). Instead we’re doing nothing, pushing further away what we should have done years ago. France has still this little advantage that Spain or Italy don’t and that’s why it hasn’t exploded in France that much. But it will.

We needed to build a strong politic Europe (everyone has to follow the same rules, starting in ‘86) we didn’t really fail, we didn’t even try!!

“La souveraineté de l’état” sovereignty of the state, is what politics constantly pushed in France. We’re paying and we’ll pay more of this non sense in global and local economies.

Nations in Europe are a thing of the past, I’ve been witnessing it my whole life. And that’s why I’m mad at European boomers: they knew the € wouldn’t be enough. They knew but didn’t give a damn because hey, it wasn’t going to concern them so much.


Meanwhile people of Turkey, a democratic republic trying to get in the Euro club are remembered that human rights are still a big problem with their country.

Social progress is slowing down, no doubt.