Seriously: it has become impossible to know for sure if a thumbnail picture is real, if it’s from the last big game or if it’s photoshopped. All options being totally viable. That’s really weird.
I’m ALSO kind of crunching on a Twine game, yeah I know. Even with a decent scope, even on a one-man team, even on a short Twine game. You have to do it. You have to polish it and shape it until it’s good. I did a normal, average reading walkthrough and it clocks at 7 minutes. Seven, lucky number I’m going to land an amazing job soon. It all makes sense.
What is going on behind the DDOS attacks? I’d love to know what the hell is going on behind the routers and ISPs and stuff. Guys, it’s real life Patlabor shit going on.
Winter is coming and I’m pumped. “Is winter OK?” Yes, it is OK in Cali.