Me Myself&I

Echo Off

Escape the echo chamber.

What fuels echo chambers is as usual, the same nasty thing: greed. It’s power greed. Cult-like influence greed. Take health: we know how to be at the best health possible. It’s not that deep: don’t eat too much, eat a variety of things, move your body. 365 days a year. That’s about it and that’s how Asian and European populations age very well.

Enter influence junkies who absolutely need to create their echo chamber about something basic like nutrition. People here in Cali really think they need a gym card and a paleo/cross-fit/juice combo to stay in shape. It’s not a big deal –do what you want- and it’s for the good. Yet it’s absurd. Echo chamber, y’all.

Echo chambers arise because we trust others too much.

Trust is making us vulnerable but it’s also all we have. There’s no weakness to me: if it’s the only way (and it is) to get shit done, so be it. Trust is like an open and secure protocol. It sounds paradoxical because it is. Yes it’s not perfect, but we built some insane stuff based on that so, I’ll take it.

I think echo chambers arise when we stop verifying trust. that’s the “secure” part. We just stop trusting, we start believing because it’s easier. We’re lazy creatures.

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