Me Myself&I


That’s the sound it makes when something gets solved in my mind. I don’t make the rules.

This week or last weekend I can’t remember, I solved a structural issue in my Halftogon house that had been giving me trouble for a while: I couldn’t figure out how to make sure that the roof would support a green roof and skylights. How to do this without adding posts inside?

Simple: prestressed concrete beams. I think with four or five of them I could have a whole forest grow on that roof. A green roof’s weight is quite demanding: 180kg/m² to 500kg/m². Super important though because most heat loss in houses is through roofs and a 400mm thick green roof eliminates that issue. I am not playing.

The epiphany happened thanks to my 3D printed model. It’s easier when things are in front of you:

Why yes the printer forgot to print some of the floor, please use your imagination OK?! The weird, solid rectangle/cube is the fireplace. Bear with me.

Doing a lot of 3D these days. It’s tedious yet pretty fun, but I’m sad how incompatible everything is in that field. 15 file formats, 16 different software, nothing really 100% compatible. An absolute mess.

I haven’t been able to create any music/sound design for a minute, it’s been in my mind every second of the day.

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