Me Myself&I

I feel this

Isn’t it time?? I think it is.

(lowkey the latest technology advances like AI and Waymo are whispering “yeah we’re taking care of stuff, relax humans” but you know, greed and dysfunctional societies)

Lots of things going on personally and internationally, I guess. Some management stuff, work load and involvement into various things keep me from writing, smh.

It is the end of the year and memories show up. I made some really good ones this year. Two trips to France whooped my bank account’s ass, but it was so intensely intense and beautiful.

A few weeks ago I showed a native LA friend a gorgeous place she had no idea existed. Always a great feeling to see someone’s eyes open wide!

Fuck gentrification, it has to be said from time to time.

95% settled now. It couldn’t be better right now. Blessed.

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