Me Myself&I

Heat Fix

Life in a heat dome: The American West is figuring out how to keep cool (

Journalists always on their doomy, clicky BS.

More than $1.4m (£1m) has been approved to plant up to 1,800 trees across the city to provide cool corridors.

Bro we need $100.4M to relocate old ass trees which can immediately change local climate (they plant young trees that will be effective in 50 years, so so smart). They do it in Japan, it’s very costly and an engineering nightmare, which is exactly what dudes love. Get on that challenge, bored men. Plant big ass trees, mfs.

In 2017, San Francisco mandated that at least 15% surface area of roofs on new buildings bigger than 2,000 sq ft (1,858 metres) must be covered by either solar panels or vegetation.

Porque no los todos? Green roofs drop temperature by a good 5 degrees, just sitting there. 5 degrees is the difference between being hot and dying, or being fine and being hot. They also absorb heavy rain, limiting flooding and of course, chilling like a villain in the grass with the sky above never gets old. 100% of all goddamn roofs should be green roofs, what are y’all on? 15% is some weak shit and of course that doesn’t do a great job. It can’t.

Paint it white

LMAO every gentrifier has been building black buildings for the past decade lol. Those need by default 30% more energy to cool down. Developers and real estate managers are fucking irresponsible.

Planning for the future

That’s easy: thick ass walls. It’s called thermal inertia, it’s old as fuck. The walls absorb heat during the day, leaving inside cool, and they redistribute the heat at night, when it’s a lot cooler outside. Done deal. Stop building with those weak ass SIPs. No more energy-hungry A/C units. Stop the thin partitions. Build heavy to sustain heat while it gives you privacy so that you can moan as loud as you want in your crib.

Y’all are slow at understanding. Give me the keys.

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