Me Myself&I

Some thoughts about this whole Luigi-nsurance thing

  • It’s been about 20 years of stories from Americans telling the world how their lives got ruined by insurance or lack thereof. Americans were expressing their pain the second the worldwide internet was like “what’s up with your lack of universal healthcare that is available everywhere, even in Cuba?”. That’s when the planet learned how appalling that entire thing is here.

  • Despite terrible reputation, lawsuits, nothing changed! It actually got kind of worse since 2020. Absolutely wild.

  • It’s unbelievable how much narcissism does people. This dude, lmao. Bro, trim those brows, grow a beard, put some glasses on, change your clothes, don’t go to a fucking McDonald’s with your laptop and stay put until Spring. You’d have made it.

  • The greed of those companies is fucking insane, gross, even more unbelievable than this dude’s behavior. Fuck them all.

  • This whole middlemen thing about health should die immediately. It’s detrimental to us all.

  • All people working every single day to scheme over other people, to fuck them over with complex contracts and so forth, you need to quit. You need to stop doing this shit. Because it’s ruining everything around you, too. Vote for UBI, goddamn.

  • Health insurance CEO’s wives? Now’s the time to stop having sex with them until they bury those policies 1,000 feet deep.

  • Bitch ass Elon could have given each American around $100K for “future health issues and whatnot” instead of buying Twitter. Bitch ass.

  • I hate that it’s already about either being with America’s right to profit indecently or about supporting a handsome man. Like, that’s not what the fuck it’s about, it’s about health insurance screwing us ALL.

  • As soon as you can in life, eat healthy, not too much and drink lukewarm water, as it is best for your body. Your body is yours forever and you better take care of it before they make you pay for it.

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