Why do we have such a need for putting things, people in boxes and then compare them constantly?
It feels right when mapping the unknown, -nature, Mars, DNA- but doing it for stuff that have no secrets to us is kind of moronic. Having a tattoo I guess meant something at some point but today? None. It’s just a drawing with ink on your body, it doesn’t automatically make you cool or means you are a biker. You just have a tattoo, because you wanted one. What consoles/computers mean today when they share pretty much everything, including bugs and patches? Nothing. We just have devices to play on, with different inputs. Notebook/netbook/ultrabook/tablet/smartphone? Oh, you mean computers. Indie, AAA, mobile, social it’s just computer games made with the same tools all around. This stupid segmentation confuses the hell out of people. I know it’s the goal because then they rely on brands and other deity and then it’s fucking irrational and childish. It’s the ??? before profit in this heavy capitalistic world.
I know, things look dead simple and boring without categorization enabling religious and zealous behaviors. But could we please favorite simplicity and fluidity? Long term values, right? Better off this way, wouldn’t we?