If you don’t know him, he has his Wikipedia page. A great dude.
I’m reading a book on dog psychology and I can’t help but see numerous things I do or feel that are alike of what Cesar Millan says about our canine friends.
How dogs in nature are naturally balanced and how they start developing issues once in cities and buildings all day. Like us.
How they need a purpose, a task to do even just walking with their pack leader. How they need exercise. How there is no wrong or bad but things that happen and how you react to them. How they pick up on energy. How they value calm assertive energies and would never give an unstable dog a role of leader (thing that we do all the time in the human world with extrovert people). How the role of leader is following a natural order but is also interchangeable. How dogs don’t care about the past, move on and eat today as much as they can because their instinct is telling them that tomorrow or the close future could be without food. How it’s all about balancing and sustaining a pack. Rules, boundaries, limitations. Like us. I mean, we’re forgetting that.
I try not to. Playing and creating music requires a lot of discipline and simplicity. I try to nurture that balance in my life, having things run smoothly already makes me happy. It’s as challenging if not more than “gettin’ rich”. But like Cesar and unlike a lot of people, I grew up in the middle of nowhere and know this feeling of simply feeling good when the day is over, when your body is relaxed after working out for hours, simply enjoying each other’s presence before going to sleep.
Like dogs.