Me Myself&I

Laundromat story

I’m sitting on my handrail in the sun, waiting for my dirty laundry to get less dirty when she pulled over in her little wagon.

She comes out speaking out loud, “I am so happy today!” which I smile to, and that was a wrap. She started to talk to me.

For the next 45mn I listened to her story, how she’s in love with that man. How her mama passed. How her daddy passed on father’s day. Some tears show up in her eyes. How she’s 65 and how his kisses were so great this morning. A Malcolm X-related quick tangent. Missouri. Struggle. Red car.

She gave me a blueberry muffin as her man “don’t eat them” and I answered “stay in love!”  to her telling me that people talk shit about her and her dude. She smirked back and shouted from behind her mask, “thank you, my brother”.

I helped her maneuver to the street, and she was gone.

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