Me Myself&I

About retirement

  • France passed its reform to push the age of retirement by a few years. The French government has been trying to do that for decades.
  • It won’t fix anything because the system is this: younger generations pay older generations’ retirement funds, right? It’s been known that we’re not matching retirement’s demand since at least the early 90s.
  • A majority of people I know who did/do have great retirement benefits are BORED to DEATH. They also die rather quickly.
  • My mom just retired. Her pension sucks. She knew this thirty years ago. She has retired, but still works. Like tons of other people. she’s 67.
  • Same with my dad.
  • They are the last slice of boomers who did get some retirement money. Everyone born in the 60s and up, it’s a WRAP.
  • For it not to be a wrap, we would need everyone born in the 60s and up to immediately make $200K a year and make two babies each who would also work for us at well paid full-time jobs.
  • Like I said, that’s a WRAP.

So I’m confused why one would protest a retirement reform that reforms a system that is known to be dead in the water for at least 35 years, which is a wildly known fact (I almost based my careers on the fact that I would never have retirement money), while we simultaneously witness that retirement is not all that either. We need purpose in life (my ENT in France is 90 years old and I saw him this year; he has not retired, and looks good).

So I don’t know what the fuck is going on for us to pretend like that. It’s maddening to me.

I don’t understand either why would you think that working your heart out at the start of your life would allow you to enjoy said life later, when your body fails more, and that that’s a great plan.

Y’all? Anyway, one more reason for UBI. Retirement is dead.

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