Me Myself&I

G and P

So it seems that the g-spot doesn’t appear to exist after all. I mean, scientifically it does not but subjectively, it does.

So good (part 2)
So good

Who cares. The important thing is pleasure and the most accurate view of it seems to be that the clitoris is a big organ which can be stimulate on its outside tip or from an inside point.

I find interesting that researchers are still discovering and being not sure about sexual organs functions, exactly like people don’t really know how their bodies work. Women as men, we’re pretty equal on that ignorance.

A lot of women still don’t know how to orgasm, because a lot of them don’t practice masturbation, still. It’s a real issue.

In a 2007 british survey It was found that, between individuals aged 16 to 44, 95% of men and 71% of women masturbated at some point in their lives. 73% of men and 37% of women reported masturbating in the four weeks before their interview, while 53% of men and 18% of women reported masturbating in the previous seven days.

The difference is huge and easily explained by how women can’t reach the status of being normal loving to give themselves pleasure without some severe social backlash if they claim it.

Man’s World.

But men can’t laugh or point that out because we are in the same situation regarding the prostate. When I was a child, my grandfather would say that this is a useless male organ that makes you pee when you’re old so that you’d rather have it removed. I don’t know where I read that but some men are complaining that sex is boring. Sure, if all you do is preventing your cock to ejaculate, staying in this position until you can’t possibly control it exploding in quick fading bursts, you’re in a sad position.

Enter the p-spot, coming with the same backlash as woman masturbation: you can’t really talk about it or even practice it.

We know how it works, it’s common knowledge that it’s giving more pleasure but we refuse to see the prostate massage as nothing more than something pretty fucking gay, especially in Old Europe. In the US, I saw a SNL skit focused on that. Prime time p-spot guys.

Like I said in a long auto-ITW (french), I totally love it. Now that I have a girlfriend it’s no different. It just enlarges sex games scope. Zomg it’s just the beginning baby :)

Anyway when I reach for my p-spot I always feel like I’m touching my cock from the other side. Tip or inside. Hey, it looks like the female stimulation too: tip (clitoris) or inside (g-spot, might be renamed c-spot but who cares). Knowing that male/female orgasm contractions share the same periodicity (0.8 sec rate), knowing that we are only different on ONE gene..

Well everything makes sense. No magic or hidden part here. We share almost the same organs and we have pleasure with these in pretty much the same way. This is some crazy shit man. *sigh*

Instead of playing to be retarded asking ourselves “could it be The Answer to the Mystical Mystery of my Sexual Life?” by reading researchers work, we should encourage ourselves to have fun with our bodies, knowing it much better. Nothing can replace the experience to learn something.

Since the p revelation I feel I totally changed:

  • Masturbation lasts way longer and is more enjoyable by not only shacking my sausage but by touching myself around it. A lot. So many nerves around, inside my thighs, under my balls, around my ass.. You’re a fool not playing with it. Let me rephrase that: you are batshit crazy not playing with it. Because you own it you know.
  • I have hard-ons I’ve never had before even if I’ve never had any problems on that part.
  • Orgasms are just amazing and stronger. Much more than classic intercourses. Just yesterday after feeling that I wanted to stop and then wanting more and then wanting to stop, I had one that made me moaning and hyperventilating for 15 minutes, still feeling the pleasure down there, pumping in my boner. Oh yeah I sleep well after that. Body feels relaxed like you just took a full Lexomil/Xanax tablet.
  • I discovered my nipples were giving me pleasure too. I hated it 10 years ago, licking them was a good way to turn me off. I wasn’t receptive. I just thought that sex is all about my penis (not really but you get my point).

I find it unfair that the public opinion is always harassing women on their sexual life while men are giggling in the dark because we believe that we know it all: shake, ejaculate, period.

If you are a man and want to believe that BS, don’t make excuse that you want/need to fuck a lot of pussies, it’s just that you are bored with your narrow view of sex intercourses. You can do better. And it’s free!

So dude if you want to unlock some big rewards, fat ass orgasms, explore your own body first. At your pace. You don’t have to tell anybody. Forget about this g-spot, be selfish. Get rid of that body hair that makes no sense, take care and respect your body. And reach for higher pleasure.

Fuck I talk like a 70s pothead hippy sex guru. It’s your fault.

5 replies on “G and P”

[applause] Well done, Harold. I hope repressed males across the globe give this a good long read and consider the grand possibilities.

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