
Following GDC for 10 years now. Time to rant.

  • Platform agnosticism

I wish developers would be much more on the side of not giving a fuck about the platform except in terms of input for their games. Yes, you make RETRO 8BIT looking games because you grew up with these, I get it. Yes you make a game focused on narrative because you always wanted to be a movie director and that the Playstation brand is your 20s forever in your mind, I get it too.

I wish we would not be emotionally tied to a console, a manufacturer, making us wanting to develop for it, even if it’s not a good business decision. Ultimately games should work on any platform input-wise without that kind of subjective bullshit that is getting these games out of people scope. We should not push people wanting to buy a machine just for a game or two even if in terms of masturbation about how good a game is, it must be heaven. That’s how we missed the rise of the netbooks (imagine your great game packed with each one sold)  and the Android market right now (I’m too busy doing an iPhone me-too product!zomg iPad with wings!). We need to make good games, providing money as directly as possible while being free, independent as much as possible. Ban any other reasons to choose a platform for. Fuck exclusivity. Fuck the “console war”. Fuck the AppStore. We are the creator, we are the people adding value to a goddamn machine. Never forget that.

  • Change for real

In ten years, two generations of machines and in some way some progress too. Tools are better, we know the gamedev Dos and Don’ts.. I know doing games is hard and unpredictable every time but still, when I hear or read stuff around that it’s still a mess, it’s still the crunch, it’s still the same milestones shit and people burning under it. In fucking 10 years we’re still having these problems, thanks to the massive turn-over with fresh and new blood every five years when the undead are escaping this crazy business. The same with games topics. It’s just insane how much we can eat of Mario, the lambda hero punching bad guys with crates around or the obligatory car race game (coming en masse on smartphones). The computer world is so fast, the difference with how damn slow/dumb we are to change habits/topics/themes of our games is driving me crazy.

Dev people still don’t give a damn about games. Sound designers and visual designers want to jump to the movie stardom, coders dream of big pay checks with less working hours in some big corporation and they all do when they got the experience from the hard world of the game industry. This trend has to stop.

  • Diversity

18 250 people at the 2010 edition, biggest GDC ever. Robin Hunicke said the population of female developers is about 5% since years which is totally awful and depressing (putting pressure on the few who stand out, also accused –sometimes maybe for good reasons too- of playing the diversity card in a white/asian male hegemony). The Women in Games conference has been canceled due to “low delegate numbers”. Then I tried to get some black people pictures from the conference.

Hey a black game developer! Oh. Nevermind.

I found some others but I can’t say if they’re developers, game journalists or party people.

Nah. Not this one.

The only one I got for sure is Scott Anderson from Shadow Physics fame.

Steve Swink and Scott Anderson, Indie Developers.

Man, I had to browse FIFTEEN pages on Flickr to find my first black man and almost the double to find Scott. 18 250 people. Let’s not even start on the skin shades. It’s fucking creepy. I live this shit and it seriously hurts if I look too much at it. Sometimes I feel that everything that goes wrong in the game industry comes from that fact, that absolute lack of diversity, in every way. The tragedy of it is that I don’t know any industry with as much good and open-minded people so how the fuck does the gamedev world end up with the square glasses/lumberjack shirt/beard nerd fest all over GDC stairs and rooms and nothing else?

  • Who are you

I did a few parties in LA and the photo booth is part of the thing, usually. How a big event like GDC doesn’t have an official Flickr stream (there is one, filled with pretty boring panelists pictures and random group of people at parties) with a photo booth of attendees? I can’t believe how it’s still so damn HARD to get pictures of creative and smart men and women who are stealing people time more than sex or drugs ever did or will. Maybe it’s related with the diversity thing, it would show to the world how something is fucking wrong. Or push developers to be careful with the pizza diet (that would be good actually), I don’t know but I regret that you have to search in a hardcore way to see their faces AND knowing who are the people providing THOUSANDS of hours of play, sucking hundreds of hours of millions people’s life.

Indies are obviously more playing this card for marketing purposes and that’s great. It makes me more willing to pay for a game. Sending my money to a bot in a basement or a mega corporation in a store is less satisfying, human.


the good news is that if we solve just one of these point, the others are going to be so much easier to manage and make them trivial. Anyway. I’ll be there next year. Fuck Yeah.

I can't believe I'm still fucking protesting this shit! 

One reply on “Following GDC for 10 years now. Time to rant.”

Great post, I hope you do get to go next year and represent the minority. Also, I love you.

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