Me Myself&I

Everything is a draft

I found something interesting on my SoundCloud statistics with this track:

Replay  by  Harold

Last month it was played more than 200 times when the average on my few tracks is more around 30 plays.

I designed and composed this track for a game, Soul Bubbles. It was at first less sophisticated and the sound was really –on a Nintendo DS- reminding me good tracks on the Sega Genesis. The track didn’t make it in the game but I thought it was a good one so that I should rework it and ship it as a normal track (meaning getting rid of low quality samples and enhance the composition).

I did, pretty fast like in two days. Conclusion? Well iterating and shipping fast is good. If I look at the numbers, it’s the track where I spend the less time that is played the most!

I find that it’s cool because it pushes me to iterate faster, minimizing the edit stage. Keeping the feeling. Not over working it. It’s hard sometimes because you don’t want to mess your work, you want it perfect.

And you know that Perfect is the worst enemy of Getting Things Done, especially in creative tasks.

I love to see something that you can apply anywhere in your life. The Cult of Done is a big one of them.

The Cult of Done Manifesto

And so that’s why I’m kind of obsessed about “getting better” in the way that of course procrastination and laziness are not going to disappear in a world full of micro-entertainment. Getting better is just a way to stay afloat on the done part more than anything else..

Also I find it funny because the Manifesto seems obvious and yet we all struggle with it in some way, whatever the lifestyle we have, whatever the values we believe in. I love to see we share that, it should make us more able to work together, making things easier.

Because man, I’m lazy.

One reply on “Everything is a draft”

IMO that’s difficult to quickly finish an art work, sometimes suspension is a preparation for spiritual ripening, so getting done temporarily, and getting better perpetually. no excuse! ;p

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