Me Myself&I


That’s funny when I think about it.

There is not a lot of products we use that are changing us as much as alcohol does. We forgot about it because beer and wine are all over the culture of hundreds of millions of people but seriously:

Weed makes you sleepy and horny and laugh. Coffee is almost the perfect opposite. Cocaine makes you chatty and friendly and brings you restlessness. But none of them are making you miserable and pathetic as alcohol can or does. When I went back to France in November I was struck by how much there is drunk people around, from 8am to 8am. All the time, hanging out. On Sunday mornings, the RER station would host vomit here and there, in the corners. During the last World Cup I saw so many people drunk as fuck, going for a ride in Paris when France was defeating Spain or Portugal that even used to it I was shocked. Like it’s 7:30pm and they can’t already walk by themselves, peeing anywhere. Creepy and gross. Being in California is such a change for that. And no, it’s not because the wine is bad.

The Wonderful World Of Booze
I think you’ll have to click it.

I’ve been drunk quite a lot since I’m 15. France, cheap and widely available alcohol. I know the feeling. I know how you don’t give a shit about anything but because I’m not a big mouth character, even deadly drunk I would not do stupid things or embarrass myself too much: I would gently lay down and sleep, while feeling I’m at Six Flags for a long time. But I’ve seen so many alcohol poisoning with people passing out stuck in some extreme drunkenness that I guess it always made me aware that as casual alcohol is, it’s deadly strong if you don’t manage it. One time I woke up with a full hangover and all I wanted was some Pastis, badly. I knew I had to stop immediately. 

It strikes me that you can be so out of yourself while being drunk, like saying things you totally don’t think at all and will not remember, not being able to control your body, feeling the need of violence. How you turn aggressive, how you switch from being happy to feeling like shit in 5 seconds. 

Almost as annoying and helpless as a crack addict except that you don’t have to suck dirty cocks to get some more. You just have to go to the liquor store. Which is a good thing I guess: prohibition doesn’t solve anything.

Anyway alcohol is quite a hard drug but because it’s so widespread in our societies since 10,000 years, there’s no question about it. It’s interesting how Western Culture is blind to something that causes a lot of problems (how many early dead, how many families destroyed, how many women beaten on pure alcoholic rage; we’re talking about hundreds of thousands if not more). It’s crazy that you can be drunk in Japan and lay down on a sidewalk like a piece of shit while you can’t smoke weed without big trouble, like 5 years of jail just for marijuana possession.

Old internet picture never gets old. 

In France these days, young people are using Facebook to RSVP massive boozefests. It started in November with 3 000 people and 50 acute alcohol intoxication. A few days ago a new record fell with 10 000 people and one dead

Seriously having alcohol as the only legal and Occident-White-approved drug is a total disaster and a fucking joke toward drug policy and health. When I’m stoned I can write/read a complex article or just enjoy to take the sun quite surely even more then. When I’m drunk, I can’t do either of them. I just want to drink more and talk louder.