Me Myself&I

How the men birth control pill is going to change the world.

In a nutshell, because it’s going to totally change and modify our relationship with half the planet who already has a birth control pill. It means chaos at first, but it means balance at the end.

For now, contraception either equals a big responsibility and physiological issues for women or a big hassle and weak sex for men. A birth control pill for us would be great for a couple of reasons:

  • Real control over fertility. For the first fucking time ever guys!

I mean, I don’t even understand how we are not a lot to demand that. Fuck condoms when you are with a partner for a pretty long time and that everything is ok STD wise. FUCK them.

Seriously, it’s the equivalent of putting a plastic bag on your head to prevent getting the flu while kissing. It’s goddamn 2010 and we as men, deserve better technology than just that only one option (vasectomy is no option as tubal ligation is not for women; they’re for special cases).

Also, as much as you should trust your partner, the reality is that it’s better to manage your fertility by yourself instead of harassing your girlfriend to not forget to take the pill or worse, having doubts about what she’s doing while relying on a piece of plastic wrapped up on your stuff. You don’t want to have children at all? With the men pill you have the entire power to do so. I want it. Millions of men want it for sure. Now that comes with two downsides that would be welcome by millions of women, smiling.

  • Sharing the pain of responsibility about taking a pill each day.

With great power comes great… You get it. As a man you will have the responsibility to manage your fertility. No “oops, I forgot” is allowed guys. As for women we will have to have some sort of reminder (phone app!), we will have to count the number of pills left next day after a party wondering if we took it, etc. Women deal with that all the time since fifty years. I think we can do that too. Is it boring? Yes. But less than to open up a condom package each time you want to dip your genitals in.

Almost every woman I talked to about this situation would not trust their companion on something that important. I’m not really surprised but I’m surprised that they mostly don’t want to change that. Probably a Power issue, like traditional women who can’t have a man in the kitchen and prefer to have them doing nothing. But anyway ladies, you are free to take your pill too.

And maybe it’s going to kill this situation where nobody trusts nobody. At some point, it will be natural for generations to have a control over fertility across gender. That will create a more balanced world when one of the fundamental function of our body will be controlled independently by both sex. I think it will raise a new level of trust amongst human History. I want to see that.

  • Sharing the pain of receiving a hormonal treatment.

When they talk about the men birth control pill they always emphasize the fact that it has side effects. NO SHIT. No hormonal treatment, almost no serious medication doesn’t have side effects and in this case like mood swing or lowered sex drive. It’s the same for women but they might not be pussies after all. Come on pharmaceutical companies, don’t say that it’s the main issue. That’s BS.

It’s crazy how these massive companies who own billions would rather suffocate on a market than activate one. How they can’t possibly move around men, except for the Viagra thing, first acceptation of a sexual man weakness, but seen as a sexual booster (it’s not). It seems that for them women are the constant problem. It seems like men only have “positive issues”.

So now they’re working hard on a pill that boost women libido, even though a placebo is doing almost as good in studies. Also, just get some pot cookies and you’ll be set to get busy a few hours later.


Anyway, that would be great that we reach a balance in the fertility control before the moment –if human beings make it- where we will be hermaphrodite and will not discuss that shit anymore.

Snail with Red-Shell
Well I hope we’ll not end up looking that funny though.

note: Last research on male contraception talks about ultrasound stopping sperm production for six months. Seems nice now, make it happen. Yesterday.