Me Myself&I

One Year

Last year on this week-end I was flying to the USA for the first time ever. Didn’t plan anything but maybe show the games I was working on to as much people possible. And perfect my english.

Fast forward 12 months of living in suitcases back and forth with Paris and I’m still in LA at the end.

My new place bis

It’s always a mix of happiness and despair to think about being here. Like it’s awesome, but it’s sort of a reset and scary start over feeling too which is… Well, I just need to breath better!

Living with someone else is a big step too but I was not that much living like a Chocolate Bear so it’s going well. I always planned the future, sort of. Possibilities.

My new place
Last year.

But the biggest thing, the overwhelming feeling is that I received so much more support, interest, love from here than from France, with people I mostly didn’t know. Bitter sweetness.

But happy. Fuck Yeah Happy actually.

Also I did these:

Make Love by Harold Bouncy Rabbeat by Harold

Enjoy yourself.

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