Me Myself&I


There’s so much going on about Wikileaks. It was going great, bringing transparence through a thick coat of BS, revealing what we could guess or what we were totally suspecting. It was nice in terms of public image for the White Knight.

Obviously with Julian Assange’s sexual assault charge it’s less the case. We don’t know everything yet but it appears that the Whitemare like Jon Stewart called him really did some bad things. The all “sex by surprise” thing.

I don’t know what is going to happen with his arrest but the fact that a lot of people find normal that once you say yes to have sex automatically means that whatever happens after saying no is invalid ,really confuses me. The dude has to finish is that it? Seriously, WTF.

The thing is if Julian had been a bit more of a gentleman or let’s say if he hadn’t been a complete douche on a booty call, Wikileaks and him would be in a very different –and I guess better- situation right now.
