Me Myself&I

Frozen head

It’s terrifying. Race is everywhere. Race is everywhere. It jumps in my face, constantly. Freezes me. I try to punch it in the face, throwing angry bears and frustrated black mambas at it but it doesn’t work. I’m still frozen, and angry.

They talk over and over about same sex marriage? I go crazy and want to talk about weed and the ridiculous amount of black men in prison for this shit since decades. Where are all the white liberals on that? They all smoke weed, eat pot cookies and can’t shut the fuck up about gay marriage. Less than 4% of the US population is gay. 12% is black.

The ESA releases a paper on 2011 US computer game market demographics and guess what, they don’t say anything about race because they know that it’s going to be like 70% white, 10% Asian and all the darker skins in the rest. They always release that kind of information. They are very reluctant to do so for the computer industry. But the worst is Jesse Schell’s quote: “There are games now for pretty much every age, every demographic.” No, Jesse (love him, watch this). And you know exactly why, it’s because there are no freaking diversity whatsoever in the game industry. Seriously, how the fuck can we have games for every demographic when the vast majority of them are made by a single one demographic? It’s the elephant in the room and everybody is ignoring it.

Google “Skyrim black people” and enjoy Humanity with the first four links. Nothing fucking changes.

I’m now pretty convinced that shows like Mad Men, Downton Abbey or the other thing with dragons and raw sex are here to satisfy white people with fantasy worlds without black people, now that black people are everywhere (same goes with sexism, women gaining access to everything and shows broadcasting the idea that women should stay in the kitchen, avoiding trouble).

I’m sometimes pretty convinced that people can’t stop joining new “private clubs” on the internet like Path or more obscure shit just to feel this little edge over others, like all these retarded black people on Twitter. Same cities/suburbs mechanics that we witness in real life.

The Race In Western Societies In The Early Twenty First Century system is a system that I can’t escape. I’m in the non-weeee! category. I’m also part of this demographic called “black dudes”, this demographic that invents the hip and cool since the USA are born. The world copies black men from the West, they can’t stop: music, vocabulary, bad English, pants, groove, bling, style. Everything. Meanwhile black people struggle to integrate a white-dominated world and especially black men are pointed at for doing bad things. Yes Chris Brown is fucking terrible, so are all the non black people beating their girlfriend or wife in silence. Everyone prefers to focus on and on an angry and violent black man rather than on the perverted and abusive white religious uncle.

What really freezes my brain to absolute zero I think, is the fact that all the smart black people I know are making a career or setting a big milestone in their lives around race issues. Would it be through a book, music or a blog or stand-up comedy, smart black people are talking about it. It’s in our faces all the time how could we even not think and build something on it? It’s also cathartic.

Should I too and make a “career” or a name at showing how the game industry is absolutely not diverse and never got diverse in the ten years I have been involved with it? I don’t really want to do that. I’d rather move on.

I need to. I’ll try not to write about race in the next months and will try to solve it through other outputs than text.

2 replies on “Frozen head”

complètement d’accord sur les séries mad men et game of throne d’ailleurs elles m’ont mis mal à l’aise sans que je puisse dire pourquoi, enfin si, les femmes j’avais compris. L’idéalisation des années 50 aux états-unis, surtout en Californie (et autres en Europe, les années 30 pas mieux), l’entre deux guerres avec ses ignominies, tout comme l’idéalisation de la culture des années 30, alors qu’on est en pleine montée du nazisme, c’est sortir une époque de son contexte.Aux US, reconstruire des diners façon années 50 c’est oublier la ségrégation, aduler mad men alors que c’est l’apologie de la femme à la cuisine, je te rassure h., y a pas que toi que ca fait gerber, mais on est pas très nombreux, je confirme. Surtout que cette mémoire contextuelle tend à disparaître car collectivement elle est remplacée oar ses oeuvres culturelles qui sont aussi graves que des livres d’histoire pour nos générations à écrans ….

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