Me Myself&I

Earth is still the place for now

You wouldn’t believe how much I was into space when I was a kid. Completely nuts about it. Ariane 4, the future Ariane 5, the future shuttle everything was ready in the 80s to dream about that. If I had had the internet I would have tried to make something in this area. What not to love about space, especially for me.

Not the first black man to doodle about that, apparently.

I had learned how rockets are powered (liquid this, liquid that mix and BOOM) and Jean-Loup Chrétien was so inspiring. Oh, before driving rockets you need to fly fighter aircrafts? AWESOME.

That was when I was a kid and had a blank canvas in my mind and the feeling that the entire world is aiming for up there, right? RIGHT?

Today I don’t give a fuck about space. Fuck space.

Of course we can do amazing thing like sending a robot on wheels with a ZERO error margin far from Earth I know we can. I know we can master perfection despite all the philosophy BS. But it’s not beautiful when we are incapable of doing things this way here, when it’s about us because of the incredible, embarrassingly huge amount of waste of money and resource every fucking day. When we try to solve our humanity problems, we suck. That ruins everything for me. It’s all bitter in my mouth.

Imagine if this human power, this focus and dedication, this money were used to fix shit on earth: everything that goes wrong down here would be resolved in a year. Maybe less. That’s what makes me feel like “fuck your red rocks” because during that time a white dude shot Sikh people dead because of how they look, people argue over chicken and gay rights and a young 21 year old black man got shot in the head in the back of a police car. And so on. It’s 2012 and only white people dream about space, go on the Twitter and watch. A large majority doesn’t give a fuck about that stuff because we have to deal with stupid shit that shouldn’t exist anymore. I mean, we’re sending robots 60 million kilometers away at the same time. It hurts.

Science, NASA and professors, give me affordable highly efficient solar panel, give me affordable highly efficient fuel cells give me affordable highly efficient water filtering systems give me things that we all over the world would use. But you can’t. The US will not pay for things making the world a better place for no profit, the US are barely willing to make you all dream with a little car on a red planet. I’m sure Lonnie G Johnson’s JTEC engine is getting shut down by every possible entity. Profit.

It’s exhausting. The waste, Jesus. The waste.

Beyond that, it’s like the Olympics. So much bullshit about how “we’re all together, to infinity and beyond”. Solve 40 year old social issues for real before bragging that shit in my face every 4 years.

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