Me Myself&I


Speaking of seeing things over and over in France, I call sexism and the game industry.

This summer a controversy rose in the French video game press with a terrible article on Tomb Raider, filled with rape jokes.

I just read an article on the state of the game industry by David Cage at it once again. The first time I saw him fight for a stronger French game industry was ten years ago. Nothing changed. Things got worse (less studios than ever).

The first time I had feminist discussions about Tomb Raider was ten years ago. Nothing changed. Things got worse (more morons thinking they are right with their humor argument).

Same things with rape impunity, same thing with DSK, cannabis, work laws…

Is it OK to feel like moving on after a decade watching shit going down despite fighting and spreading the good ideas? France is so resistant to change. I’m so bored witnessing how slow if not inexistent change is. Maybe I’m impatient but a decade feels like a long time for 33-me.

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