Me Myself&I

Company building

When I asked Evan for the story of how and why they built the product, he talked about how they would do stuff like build something, showed it to RANDOM people — like homeless people — and watched them use it, with no explanation or guidance. Then they would ask questions, gain some insight, and iterate.

On building companies.

It’s amazing how game development is at the forefront of trends. In game development, this approach is commonly done by people making good games and has been the case for years and years. Build, Test, Gather Data, Iterate.

It’s about that speed, that real time building revolution brought by computers and globalization. Acting and changing things at almost the speed you think them through, at impossible scales ten years ago is such a change and opportunity.

I wish a lot of things were that fluid. I push my dad to iterate and make prototypes of his passive house business from the beginning. Be open, be flexible, aim for some kind of fast, green Lego, don’t try to design so much what they will look like. Keep it simple. Don’t stop and if possible, go faster.

He listens, a bit.

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