Me Myself&I


NSA, Snowden, surveillance, people are waking up and realizing that governments do spy on them. But for black folks, it’s old story. We have a sense that governments can just annihilate us whenever they want, it’s called look back at History, read books.

If you haven’t heard about CointelPro, read the link. At that time, it was still easy to steal FBI documents. Mass surveillance is old.

The FBI spied on people in the 60s and went on to kill leaders of organizations they deemed “dangerous”. It’s heavily documented. I mean killing people is going too far on the surveillance list. Oh yeah, it was mostly against everyone not WASP, for some reason.

When you know that they did everything to trap a Black Panther party member and finally assassinate him early 70s, you can’t be surprised at the NSA recording terabytes of data every hour these days.

But as long as it wasn’t their asses being spied on, white people didn’t give a damn. Now they are shocked. It reminds me of Occupy Wall street: “Cops are mean! They don’t stop profiling me!”. No shit, Sherlock.

I’m not saying it’s OK for governments to do that –of course it’s not- but if only white people had given more criticism toward that stuff going on 40 years ago instead of just closing their eyes. “not my problem”, full throttle?

Bitch, now it’s your problem too. And we’re all kind of naked out there. Awesome.

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