Me Myself&I


Hi, my name is Heyrold and today we’ll tear those walls off the sucker. I mean, today and a couple of other days too.

I’m not even going to tell you how my cousin, 45, was like “but have you ever done that before???” or my dad “use a steamer, I have more experience than you”. Whiny ass bitches, please.

First layer comes off with my fingers my Wolverine-like nails.

Second layer, thanks to YouTube comes off with water and still my fingers. I  I have used a scraper like three times. Don’t tell me it’s because my paper is old, I tried other techniques and the paper stays on like a motherfucker until I poke holes in the wall.

The annoying part is moving things around because I’m also composing and applying to jobs and developing and stuff. The good part is that it tests me on patience because the faster you want to go, the more you only get tiny bits at a time. Take your time, do it right and then bam, full sheet off (almost).

The wall you see on the right is what it looks like around now and it’s pretty depressing, it makes me wonder if there are needles and heroin hidden somewhere.

My name is Heyrold and I don’t fucking know where I am right now but it’s moving on.

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