Me Myself&I

Dear recruiters and potential future co-workers


If you’re reading this, you did some research and clicked on links. Nice to meet you! This is my personal blog where I write about a pretty large variety of subjects. Sometimes it’s a brain fart, sometimes it’s deep enough to maybe make you think for a while. There are grammatical mistakes and typos. Blogs! What can you do.

I am passionate about sound design in computer games and animated movies, mostly. I am an avid reader and spend most of my free time devouring articles and reviews about architecture of houses, CPUs and GPUS, audio tool chain, games etc. With a side of memes, of course. I record, edit, play music and sounds constantly. I am the best I have ever been! I understand a lot of things now that I was only able to conceptualize a few years ago. Psychology of sound, technical improvements, musicianship, I am trying to unify all of this in my brain to be as efficient as possible to make a decision in front of a new audio challenge, on a new project.

It has been a little while since I have worked on a big game. There’s this joke that goes like “Best advice in game audio? Marry well!”. It didn’t pan out this way for me and as an immigrant starting from scratch, I had to do what immigrants do: take any job available. Now that I successfully did that, I am more than hungry to design sound and produce audio for awesome worlds and experiences.

So, let’s talk! I’m a bit awkward socially, I stopped smoking a year ago so I might sweat a lot but other than that I’m ultra-focused, nice, extremely reliable and resourceful and the person you want on your ship. Don’t worry, I will wear black shirts.


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