Me Myself&I

The truth about Google

So since Windows 8 came out, I have been using Bing for search and IE to browse the web. It’s been five years now. I was just completely tired of customizing dumb stuff like a browser. Just let me use stock stuff and move on with my life.

Well, Google can’t find shit for me now. It’s just not good, DuckDuckGo does better. And of course after Bing aggregated my data, Bing’s the best for me.

I didn’t think I would use IE for that long, but the truth is that as soon as you have some ad-blocking going on, the browser in itself doesn’t matter. The funniest part would be that once every six months or maybe once a year, a website would not work in IE. I would immediately go hard on myself like “boy you dumb as shit, you know this website has been optimized for the mighty Webkit engine, all the kids only know Chrome now, they only develop for it so that’s why”.

Then I would load up the website in Chrome and it would be fucked up exactly like it was in IE. I would smile and shake my head at the absurd witch hunt out there, and the insanity of being mad at someone using one car instead of another one on the information freeways. I grossed myself out with this metaphor but this is what we’re doing these days. “Don’t use that car omg!!” “Why? It works and I know what I’m doing. Shut up”

All browsers suck and they’re all good enough. Search engines suck until they get your data and then they’re pretty good.

Computers are basic, people. Google is not some kind of magic trick. If they can’t get your data, their services are immediately not that great.

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