Me Myself&I

The invisible hand lmaoooo

I will never get over the fact that money is created out of thin air for corporations, but we have to fight each other to get said money.

Yes, the feds create bonds for banks who exchange them to companies for dollars. Yes, it’s supposed to be paid back with interests by 2089 or some stupid date like this. They make us believe that this holds up.

If as an individual I was going to the bank, ask for $1M and let them know that please, I will pay it back within the next 60 years, they’d call the police. They’d understand that I’m robbing them.

This is what corporations do legally all the time.

They got trillions this year. Trillions are not even a range that our brains can parse. We can’t even process a billion.

It blows my mind how this system still hasn’t exploded. Yet.

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