Me Myself&I

Climate change is us

We change the climate.

We average around 100,000 flights in the world, everyday. Imagine the amount of fuel dispersed in the sky. Every day.

We order stuff online, thinking that we’re slick not using our cars to go to the store. Shipping is using those absolutely insane boats called container ships. They run on bunker fuel. You know what bunker fuel is? It is the dirtiest fuel you can possibly get. A cargo ship has the equivalent of 300,000 15-gallon tank cars. A typical container ship burns 80+ tons of fuel PER DAY (up to 16 tons PER HOUR). Thousands of ships. Every day. All the time.

Gains in fuel efficiency you think? Yeah, we kill those with the increase in annual shipping and due to the pandemic, it probably went WAY up. It also already doubled in twenty years. Doubled.

So why am I adamant about enjoying local life, planting trees and using a bicycle as much as I can?

I don’t know, man. Just a feeling.

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