Me Myself&I


Hempcrete. Yes, it is the best -by far, period- material we can use to build houses and buildings. Yes it is cheap, renewable, clean, green.

My dad was toying with hemp bricks a decade ago. It wasn’t new then either.

So how the FUCK are we still pondering about that material? While destroying forests for wood (25 years to get a tree ready for lumber; 90 days for hemp), importing lumber from across the world at ridiculous prices???

Meanwhile mfs look forward to float in space for five fucking minutes.

We could literally build sustainable, green housing right now. Retrofit older buildings. Upgrade for real. But no, we just build the same stupidly designed stuff, slap a big ass A/C unit on top (least effective way to live) and call it a day.

We just never aim for better. We settle for “less bad”, while we have less and less time for this “let’s waste time” shit.

It drives me crazy. Inertia and latency. I hate them.

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