Because WordPress has so many nesting and sub-categories abilities, I’ve always toyed with the idea of making more categories or hashtags. #lol or #deepshowerthoughts #gamestobuy etc. Curation.
But then people only follow one thing, and miss the rest. Aka, the rest of you. AND you burn yourself out, pressed by the popular specialization.
When I started following people with RSS, it was quite on a specialized basis. When authors would talk about something else, at first, I wasn’t a fan. But then I realized that it’s actually rich.
You realize that you’re not following a topic, you’re following a person. That person is interesting for their specialty AND who they are, in a more general sense. That will also give you all kinds of insights and perspectives, fine tuning your opinion about things.
I think it’s crucial to stay connected to actual people online, and not bot farms and algorithms.
Because it’s not news, it’s people reporting. It’s not #gamedev, it’s folks coding and Perforcing and stuff.
It’s important to minimize losing connection with humanity, when using computers.
The more we specialize the more we virtualize humanity, abstracting it, and that’s usually not good in the long term. Let’s be bold; even in the short term.
Anyway don’t specialize, stay an awesome generalist who loves rabbit holes and comes back, with connected dots.
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