Me Myself&I

WordPress 20

Congrats! There’s a whole book online about WordPress history.

Forget all the tech folks hating on WP. It’s by far the best CMS out there. PHP is weird and totally fine. Deal with it.

WordPress’ text rendering is the best and works everywhere, even on 10 year old devices.Now dear Automattic, I’d like to share what I think would help WordPress to become the online publishing tool.

SQLite version

It’s apparently in the works, and I don’t know what technical debt and issues there are with that but, having everything in one place would simplify deployment/usage by a lot.

Customers using WordPress should never have to deal with DB stuff, even during installation.

Simple sites (most of the internet) should be portable and self-contained because people change, move, etc. I think tons of people stop publishing online in the 2000s due to the complexity of moving online data thanks to technical dependencies. With how people know how social media manipulates them, there’s a giant opportunity for WP here.

Much, much better offline publishing tools

Gutenberg should be a native app on Windows, I’m sorry. People should be able to drag and drop a picture in their WP editor and the picture is automatically uploaded to a pre-chosen location. You can do that with a phone inside a company’s ecosystem, but you can’t do that with a laptop in your own WP ecosystem.

Despite the fact that online publishing is basically 50 years old. AYO

The browser should stay a read-only device while my computer should be a little beast at publishing, allowing me to open windows and files and mix it all up in a beautiful dance of shortcuts and mouse action.

Instead I get a browser that does far too much to serve me fucking ads, makes my computer choke over a gif in Gutenberg while I create columns in HTML.

That’s terrible.

It is painfully obvious to me that a great GUI –responsive, fluid, never crashing or stuttering makes you want to use that GUI. WordPress needs that so much. WP needs great offline publishing tools. We have obscene offline computational power. Let’s use it!


Please allow cross-posting between WP sites and Tumblr natively, what are y’all waiting for? I see experiments with Tumblr that are just not going to do anything: the pay-to-win, the “store”, the “live”, just drop that. Tumblr is different and a great corner of the internet. So is Link those two healthy online “communities” where folks are just doing their things. Low key federate that shit, foster that vibe. The world would appreciate it.

Tagging Matt.

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