Me Myself&I

Living Credit

If I could have told to my dad when he was about to get married, freshly starting at a new company that he will never leave that “imagine that in 2022 a company would reach out for a job for which I’m the perfect fit, that the recruiter and lead LOVED my resume and absolutely wanted to see me the next Wednesday, and that I would never hear back from them ever again, and that this company almost made one billion dollars in profit last year?” (this happened, yes!)

He would not have believed me. Straight up nonsense.

He was employed for life in one company. I worked for a lot of them, did my independent sting, widened my skills to pay the bills, reduced my expectations and took Ls left and right, despite ticking all the boxes needed to get the career you want.

Now if you’re starting a career or trying to keep it, basically in your early 30s in 2024, it’s kind of super fucked? There are all of us older who kind of just started being stable and will keep working until we die, many decades later. Boomers will still be here in 15 years (2039), some still working. Don’t forget that they’re a huge population in numbers. There’s AI, and it’s just the start and already impacting like crazy. And you have so much less experience and phones and notifications fucked up your capacity to focus.

Not a good look.

It’s absurd how much when and where we were born, two variables we don’t control, decide of so much of our lives. That’s so unfair.

But I feel strongly that we’re global and advanced enough as a human society that we could reverse that and counter balance very effectively, today. Yes, UBI y’all (the economy is just databases with payments due back in 40-50 years, when the people making those important decisions in those databases, will be long gone; it’s a joke). Let’s call it Universal Income, even. Or Living Credit™, I don’t care.

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