Me Myself&I


This is the best tutorial video ever. It has a hard skateboard trick, a dude who can do them without thinking, a little guitar arpeggios that makes you feel like “this is actually doable” but it’s not, and lines, bro.

“Oh. Hello!”



“you can even do it while you eatin'” /lands a perfect 360 kickflip while taking a bite off a burger.

“It’s all one motion” /lands perfect 360 kickflip “do it on your way to the store” /lands another perfect one.

“Coco Puffs” /lands perfect 360 kickflip in the fucking aisle “there they are”. I can’t.

“Driving’s boring, skate around town!” /lands perfect 360 kickflip.

Etc. I’m working on them at the park sometimes, and it’s sweat and frustration, mostly.

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