I swear my coffee blend brand just swapped its mix for an inferior mix. I can taste it.
Homelessness is back, after allocating $2B to fight it. Tents are popping up around.
Virtually every block of LA has: new buildings sitting empty, old buildings sitting empty. How’s rent that high? The invisible hand does not exist. Fuck that fake real estate “market”.
When it rains hard, new buildings also have tarps, highlighting their offensively bad builds.
Prices fluctuate wildly. One week lettuce is 99cts, then $2.49 and back.
My local bakery never recovered from 2020. Inconsistent quality, prices up. I think my blueberry muffin is gonegone now.
People pay cash a lot these days. All the way to coins and pennies.
I used to see Waymo cars a couple times a day. I see them on every single street I use now.
Lots of selling going on and increasing. Cars. Items. Four houses are emptying around my crib.
All restaurants, old ones and new ones go hard on happy hours signs and publicity. Food stands multiplying.
Anything at a restaurant is $20+ now.
Bought some shoes at a good price online, at my door in 2 days.
Bought some boards at a good price online, at my door in 2 days.
Skate shops absolutely can’t compete against that. And that’s before fuck ass tariffs.
I’m still wincing looking West. The second I see some clouds over there, I feel anxious.
People’s driving skills have become on average beyond appalling. It’s just insane these days. Cars’ designs are horrendous, too bulky at the wrong angles and generally tasteless.
I see people crossing the street with noise-cancelling headphones, eyes down their phones, pushing a stroller and not even looking around once. You can’t do more indulgent and complacent.