A holy grail for architects is how to make people inside a house live together while providing privacy.
With HHH I’m trying to solve this by having a general space with multiple use, while having a certain distance from each usage.
If you’re sitting down where the yellow dot is, I think you’ll be far enough from the kitchen to not feel in the kitchen yet you’ll be in my sight while making food. Presence.
If I’m cooking around the red dot, and you’re in the green area working on your laptop in the sunken pit about 15 meters/50 feet from me, we’re not together yet we are!
The two bedrooms provide complete privacy if you don’t want to talk to anyone.
The way we do these days: small, square open floor plans where the feeling of separation is not strong enough, or huge houses with big rooms and people moving between them while avoiding each other, is terrible.
There’s no other way but to try something else! We used to live more like this way back to the cave and tribe life days and we’re kind of back to the tribe life, so.