Me Myself&I

Writing online

Yes, some do. It doesn’t influence my writing because I tend not to think about the audience when I write. I do the same when playing music, which I did for years before starting a blog.

The benefits of writing for years about life are incalculable. I didn’t know when I started!

At [day job], my writing skills have been very useful if not extremely useful. My ability to parse things the right way and bring clarity, comes from blogging. My grammatically OK English is from years of cleaning it on my blog. My analytical skills, used left and right when writing about any topic ever, have been refined and sharpened with blogging. My knowledge of things has increased dramatically by writing about those things (looks up on Wikipedia: oh shit! I didn’t know). My blogging started businesses and deep ideas, like designing a 3D printed house, which is in progress and really exciting to work on. I wrote stuff that I read years later like “I had totally forgotten about that post and damn, that perspective is on point” or “ooooh, that’s why I think this way now lmao”

I’ve always thought of this as a kind of freedom. A license to be myself. To explore my interests unapologetically and without having to explain myself. If nobody cares what I’m doing here, it means I’m free to do whatever I want. To say what I’m thinking about whatever I’m thinking about.

Exactly. This freedom of developing oneself is not always easy (countless grimy/whiny posts will spawn in your mind), but when you get there, publish something interesting and feel enlightened, it’s just so dope. Great, great feeling.

I think it takes a long time to feel good about a blog. It really is like a plant: there’s not much going on at first. But then it blooms, it grows, it looks lovely. Your mind grows, gets excited and it’s hard to put that feeling down to go back to platitudes, social dogma and all that good, stale stuff.

I think blogging can create beautiful minds that are much more calm and resilient than what the algorithms in social media do. I think we need that? Yeah.

Me Myself&I

Vacay done

Pure bliss.

The last time I had been floating in a pool was in 2015 in Santa Monica after some handyman work, in the middle of those wildfires that were raging on not so far away. The sky was filled with smoke and the sun was red.

Nine years later I’m in the crisp morning desert air, listening to water glistening around my body before being hit by triple-digit temperatures drying me out in an instant. Sunscreen and coffee smell.

I want to be back already.

Me Myself&I

Vacation ordered

It is now on. Pool, evening skating, music, here I come.

Meanwhile things are nice, moving well and the light in the morning is the best. Mmmhmm, August.

Very rough first costs estimate to build my Halftogon house: under $130K. Considering that I was aiming at $120K in 2013, that’s not bad. Add how I live and it’s most definitely doable. Dope.

I also realized that it can be completely made out of precast concrete, the old school 3D printing method. There are some great companies here doing that and this might be good enough for airtightness but I need to do more thinking.

Me Myself&I

Neil Gaiman

I was like “hey I haven’t seen my dude Neil in my Tumblr feed in a while I used to see him all the time what is he doing probably shooting a movie or something let me sOH MY FUCKING GOD NO HE DID NOT”

Men, please shift+delete the fucking Abusive extension. WTF bro.

Women, I’m not sure girl. I’m so sorry and I’m also frustrated as hell.

Me Myself&I

Funny plate

There’s this car in my neighborhood and its plate is GIRL IDK.

I kind of want to get mine to say GRL SAME now!

Me Myself&I

I keep reading stories

There is about 9 million developers making apps for iPhone and Android. It is very hard to get actual numbers but it’s pretty safe to say that about 1,000 are doing very well. The rest? Not so good while they submit their work for which they will give 30% to the mafia by default, and then maybe get it into the store after insane stories about requirements and what not.

It’s absolutely wild how much developers are in an abusive relationship with Apple and Google with their stores and platforms, and how they hate it so much, they cheat every second they can to get what they want.

Meanwhile the duopoly treats them as whiny nuisance and constantly ghosts them. Good vibes.

It’s fascinating because it’s been almost 15 years of this now. It’s just part of the manipulative, algo-heavy, I’m-hiding-behind-my-digital-identity zeitgeist that we are in I guess.

Me Myself&I


I was there at the start of the thread about Chris Cole being an abuser, by chance. 66 pages later, goddamn.

Meanwhile they just put a new statue of Kobe and his daughter, and all I can think is that this dude raped a woman and got away with it, unscathed.

Fuck. Them. Fuck this toxic dude mentality. Fuck the dying patriarchy. Fuck this complacency. Fuck all the yes-man men in the world.

So much work to do jfc

Me Myself&I


Let’s see: feeling weird left and right thanks to that latest variant, bitches indeed is weird, France has no government per se and is hosting the world in a week, here one dude gets shot the other dips, snapped my skateboard in half on a weak back lip yesterday, enough!

The vacation I’m too lazy to organize is going to feel real good.

Me Myself&I



Why do you spend time designing a house that fits your needs now and in the future, is ultra cost-efficient and off-grid ready, can sustain triple-digit weather, rainstorms, earthquakes, fires, tornadoes and thieves well?

Me, watching the news:

Me Myself&I


I was running to that sprinter van parked on the bank’s parking lot on Sunset and Vine. It was safe to leave it overnight, as we had a little deal with the security guards, I believe.

I am getting in, turn on the engine and it’s this Hotline Bling bullshit on, again. At that time, you can’t not hear that stupid track if you turn the radio on. If you’re entering a gas station. A restaurant. A restroom. Probably a hospital. It’s everywhere.

I’ve always disliked Drake, his nasal voice and his industry plant (his uncle is goddamn Larry Graham) manners. So seeing him getting demolished by our L.A. lyricist #1 I mean, I’m not mad.

But yeah, I’m disappointed. I’m out here designing shit for a better future. We’re learning about what powerful black men did in the music business in the 2000s and all is appalling, times 100. We’ve had the biggest protests in human history for George Floyd, and that didn’t do a-ny-thing.

Meanwhile I witness two grown millionaires talking shit while people are like “culture!!” over a quickly produced beat that is not good.

It’s annoying. I’m annoying. Let’s focus. OVer and Out.