Me Myself&I


“What are these movies?” the Hollywood producer asked me. “Are they successful movies? Are they not? They have famous people in them. They get put out by major studios. And yet because we don’t have any reliable numbers from the streamers, we actually don’t know how many people have watched them. So what are they? If no one knows about them, if no one saw them, are they just something that people who are in them can talk about in meetings to get other jobs? Are we all just trying to keep the ball rolling so we’re just getting paid and having jobs, but no one’s really watching any of this stuff? When does the bubble burst? No one has any fucking clue.”

Fabulous article on Netflix.

Perfect, real life example of how we need Universal Income so that people take care of themselves at home instead of having meaningless, truly not bringing anything to the world jobs.

Look at it this way: people get into debt to obtain a degree in a film school, move to Los Angeles to displace people who have been living here for 40 years, to work on movies and shows that no one gives a single fuck about, not even the people who should. And then get let go.

It’s beyond meaningless.

Cancel that subscription, watch something else y’all. Same with Spotify, etc.

Me Myself&I

New frontier

ChatGPT and generative AI will change how we work, but how different is this to all the other waves of automation of the last 200 years? What does it mean for employment? Disruption? Coal consumption?

AI and the automation of work — Benedict Evans (

It’s different because of the last 200 years, lol. Those 200 years have seen us get from nothing to now. From horses, to Waymo. From the start of photography, to 4K/120fps in your pocket.

What all technologists completely miss about the future of work and economics, is that we already have plenty. We have tons. We have insane amounts of everything. There’s nothing to produce more. There’s no need for more.

That’s the massive difference compared to the start of the last 200 years, in 1823! At that time, the world seemed to be gigantic and wild. Today it is the same Starbucks, TikTok and phones in hands from Jakarta to NYC to Brisbane. There’s nothing to produce at massive scale anymore. We have far too much of everything, and it’s available pretty much everywhere.

Look at creative industries! The job market is dire there because guess what, there’s far too much entertainment. I can’t even remember when I downloaded Ted Lasso season 1 and I still haven’t watched it because well, there’s tons of entertainment available and I keep forgetting about it. Not so long ago, you would watch a movie or show religiously, and most people tuned in. Today, it’s just so granular and weird.

Now, the real thing we could do, is re-distribute that wealth properly. That would change everything.

“So, we don’t know what the new jobs will be, but we have a model that says, not just that there always have been new jobs, but why that is inherent in the process. Don’t worry about AI!”

Of course we do worry because the point is not that there won’t be new jobs, the point is that there are not enough jobs for an economy as large as the West Global Capitalism, even with new jobs. The real world is finite. Computers in the past 30 years already have cut a lot of people off from having a job. AI is even better at this! I’ll take my mom’s career (accounting) as an example:

1970s: accounting firm (10-15 folks).

1980s: mom is independent (her, an assistant and 3 computers for 40 years). She semi-retired in 2020.

2020s: one accountant part-time, Excel, maybe an assistant? Taxes can be taken care of automatically with so many services already.

2030s: this intellectual career that no one could have possibly imagined being done by a computer (lots of reading), for which my mom graduated from a top 10 business school in the world, does not exist anymore.

That’s progress! But that also means less jobs. Period. I hate that naïve techno-optimism that’s only here to push more tech, but refuses to think about societal changes related to this. Tech is great and is modifying society heavily. We should focus on that instead of being vague and wrong with “this is progress as usual!” takes.

It’s truly a brand new world. New life conditions. It’s different.

(edit: older post from last year, still on point or even more so)

Me Myself&I

AI and connecting the dots

Comment that I see all the time since ChatGPT came out, and every single time that it does something that we thought would happen in 5+ years, not now (this is about the latest o3 release):

From IT bubble it’s very easy to have impression that AI will replace most people. Most of people on my street do not work in IT. Teacher, nurse, hobby shop owner, construction workers, etc. Surely programming and other virtual work may become less paid job but it’s not end of the world.

Everything is connected in this world! I can’t believe people don’t see it.

Construction worker: yeah, we can 3D print now and tons of tools are power tools and robots, increasingly, which means probably a reduction of construction workers by a lot in the next 20 years. You could say “well, buildings are going to be made more and more in factory, we’ll need drivers!”. You already know what’s going on with that.

Hobby shop owner: this person is already down bad in 2024 without AI! He’s not thriving, he’s doing OK. He might want to move to a web front, AI assistants and robots in a warehouse, saving him from renting a very expensive place in a less and less populated downtown.

Nurse: they’re actively leaving! Covid broke them. AI assistants and robots, just like for constructions workers, are going to mean that we need less of them. Note the important thing: there will still be a need for nurses, of course, but a lot less.

Teacher: They’re fighting for their lives right now! AI, smartphones and the internet have completely, absolutely changed their careers. School is more than ever about socializing than having a teacher teach you things. Tech has so massively and rapidly changed education that we do not know what the fuck we’re doing, at all. What’s a GPA in the world of perfect, 24/7 slaves with all the knowledge in the world? Nothing.

This wasn’t true five years ago.

Everyone is impacted by AI because AI impacts everything and everything is inter-connected.

What that means is the same productivity we have today, with 1/10th of its labor force. Capitalism will never ever give up on that. It’s a wrap.

Demand Universal Income. It’s urgent now.

Me Myself&I

Shipping tomorrow I guess

My package for France sent on 12/9 came back yesterday due to a mistake in the custom form (???) so I know it will not be there for family on the 25th and I’m all like


Genie 2

Google releases a demo:

Genie 2: A large-scale foundation world model – Google DeepMind

Immediately, people are excited about the idea of creating video games from a prompt. And I’m like:

  • To do what? “Make money” by making video games?

  • Hoping that it gets viral?

  • Do you know that the game industry is crawling under worlds that require hundreds of hours of play?

  • Do you know that some of those worlds are far better than this and still don’t make money?

  • Do you know that they’re laying off at an unprecedented rate these days?

  • You want to compete to thousands of games thinking that your idea and Genie2 will make you “win”?

  • Why would I play your game if I can access the same tools and creating mine with a picture and a prompt?

  • Who’s going to actually pay you? People are suffocating under the weight of unlimited entertainment and you think that you can get their attention with your AI-powered quick game?


Me Myself&I

AI and ethics

OpenAI is partnering with military stuff.

They’re thinking about adding ads to their products.

They launched a $200/month version of ChatGPT last month.

Like I mentioned earlier this year, they’re milking their work as much as possible.

It’s very frustrating yet understandable: AI costs a fortune to run and they need income.

I’m using Copilot often and for sure, OpenAI can learn so, so much more about me than Google and other search engines ever could! I’m literally typing in English my full reasoning in the text box. I have never done that with search.

The potential for adtech is absolutely insane, but adtech is a cancer that needs to die or decrease its influence, not the other way around. We have to be clear about that.

The military angle is freaking me out (latest AI tech+latest drone tech is scary as hell), as it will be used and fuel wars all around the world.

And I still have to tell myself that this tech was barely doing anything merely 2 years ago.

Yes, Universal Income for All.

Me Myself&I

Gen whatever

The generational divide now is about people who grew up versus those who grew up convinced that online engagement is everything and needs to be pursue at all costs.

Me Myself&I

The mask of invincibility

Why You May Never See the Documentary on Prince by Ezra Edelman – The New York Times (

I called Questlove a few months later, to see how it had all settled in his mind. He said he went home that night and spoke to his therapist until 3 a.m. He cried so hard he couldn’t see. Watching the film forced him to confront the consequences of putting on a mask of invincibility — a burden that he feels has been imposed on Black people for generations. “A certain level of shield — we could call it masculinity, or coolness: the idea of cool, the mere ideal of cool was invented by Black people to protect themselves in this country,” he said. “But we made it sexy. … We can take dark emotion and make that cool, too.”

We do make it look cool.

It’s embedded in our psyche, after generations going through the motions, protecting ourselves. We’re protecting ourselves the second we understand how society is with us. History, research? No time. Mask on.

The 2010s have utterly broken us, though. That decade made us simultaneously more prone to use that mask 25/8, and also completely destroyed it. BLM. The biggest protests ever seen since the civil rights movement. Minnesota, where Prince is from. Where they wear masks as well.

The mask of invincibility was worn and recognized by police when they kneeled on George’s neck for nine minutes and twenty-nine seconds. Police always thinks that black people are invincible, which is why they need to draw their guns or be violent against us in a matter of seconds, no matter the reason.

We’re wearing a mask. A mask of invincibility.

But it’s only a mask. During those protests and in between them, we have put our masks down. We showed our snot. We became balls of despair, wailing. At home, on the sofa. In the street, on a sidewalk. With non-black folks. We fought, we demonstrated. Some became community leaders, masks off, fighting injustice, showing where we’re hurting.

Some were killed. Many —what an understatement, are still hurting, wearing a mask or not.

The mask of invincibility made some black people believe it was real. R Kelly, Jay Z, Diddy. They were indeed quite invincible for damn near two decades. Doing whatever they wanted. Grooming. Abusing. Pushing the limits of black invincibility while society tells us that what they did is only possible with white celebrities. I guess “we” went through the glass ceiling here. Champagne! Black folks near the Big mask of invincibility want it and don’t want it simultaneously. They want safety, which is why they worked for those powerful men but in the end, they know the mask is just a mask. So they close their eyes. We closed our eyes when 28-year-old Jay Z spent a lot of time with 16-year-old Beyoncé. As if the black community itself was a whole mask of invincibility protecting the obviously wrong relationship. We did the same with Kobe in 2004. Or with BLM in 2020. And all scandals from churches to corporations. As if all those abnormal things had been normal.

The mask of invincibility didn’t fit Ta-Nehisi Coates. I feel like we wanted him to wear it and take it to the stage, like George Clinton sings. But he said, I imagine after looking over his family and his life, “hell to the no”. Black folks have been thirsty since Barack left and Ta-Nehisi fits this need so, so well. But he’s a human being who knows atrociously too much about black and non-black History and is thoroughly aware of the mask being fake, distorting people’s psyche to a point of no-return. My man said fuck that. I understand.

So we’re millions of tiny black islands where we put a mask on, temporarily. And then we put it down and cry. The consequence of black women wearing three masks of invincibility at the same time is that in intimacy they shatter and melt.

All my black friends wear the mask at all times. Which is why I don’t want to hang out much. I see the mask, it screams at me. I’ll ask “You good?”, they’ll say “never been better”. Lies. Put the goddamn mask down.

We can’t evolve with the mask on. We can’t progress. The mask is status quo. It’s patriarchy + ghetto shit + money structuring our thoughts. All is well except that nothing is.

The mask is draining. It might be useful sometimes, especially when you want to go somewhere and that society demands your black ass to be wearing a mask anyway, but it’s constantly sucking energy.

If I want 100-year lasting homes and overall things to slow down, perhaps it’s for that: to allow us to put the mask down. For good.

Me Myself&I

Some thoughts about this whole Luigi-nsurance thing

  • It’s been about 20 years of stories from Americans telling the world how their lives got ruined by insurance or lack thereof. Americans were expressing their pain the second the worldwide internet was like “what’s up with your lack of universal healthcare that is available everywhere, even in Cuba?”. That’s when the planet learned how appalling that entire thing is here.

  • Despite terrible reputation, lawsuits, nothing changed! It actually got kind of worse since 2020. Absolutely wild.

  • It’s unbelievable how much narcissism does people. This dude, lmao. Bro, trim those brows, grow a beard, put some glasses on, change your clothes, don’t go to a fucking McDonald’s with your laptop and stay put until Spring. You’d have made it.

  • The greed of those companies is fucking insane, gross, even more unbelievable than this dude’s behavior. Fuck them all.

  • This whole middlemen thing about health should die immediately. It’s detrimental to us all.

  • All people working every single day to scheme over other people, to fuck them over with complex contracts and so forth, you need to quit. You need to stop doing this shit. Because it’s ruining everything around you, too. Vote for UBI, goddamn.

  • Health insurance CEO’s wives? Now’s the time to stop having sex with them until they bury those policies 1,000 feet deep.

  • Bitch ass Elon could have given each American around $100K for “future health issues and whatnot” instead of buying Twitter. Bitch ass.

  • I hate that it’s already about either being with America’s right to profit indecently or about supporting a handsome man. Like, that’s not what the fuck it’s about, it’s about health insurance screwing us ALL.

  • As soon as you can in life, eat healthy, not too much and drink lukewarm water, as it is best for your body. Your body is yours forever and you better take care of it before they make you pay for it.

Me Myself&I


2014, ten years ago, was one of the most challenging year of my life. Freshly divorced, broke, new area, new place, new people, new jobs. During that Thanksgiving I picked up my current bed in Gardena for $100 thanks to a neighbor who let me borrow his truck. I was happy I could finally sleep in a real bed after months of air mattress.

2024 was one of the easiest year of my life. Everything rollin’ smooth, except for that election but I was not alone otherwise Kamala would be crip-walking in front of the mirror or something.

2004 had been nice! There was a legendary canoe trip with friends, and an invitation (from the band’s leader) to see Cameo in Germany. The road trip from France was great and that band is so bad, I’ll never forget it. I wish there was a precise book of how that they came up in NYC and what they lived through. They’re so unique.

2034: I’m envisioning being in HHH. Hopefully already in the habit of getting my parents a couple months in the Cali sun during winter instead of having them rot in rainy France. I’m seeing myself going to the store, driving in a 80s pickup truck with dad and a dog through the smooth hills of some calm east LA city.