Me Myself&I


Reforming gloomy France.

Though only 17% of young people told one recent poll that their country’s future was promising, a massive 83% said that they were satisfied with their own lives.

This is France! Four months I’m back and I can tell and feel the same: life’s pretty good here, when everything works nicely –public transportation, internet, sunny days etc- it’s damn nice. It’s just that if you want to think a bit about the future, if you’re working in the private sector, in a small company, doing jobs that are today important or will be the only jobs in a few years, I feel that the future here is horribly gloomy and I’m not the only one (1,5M French live outside France as of January 2011). I remember a few years ago having arguments with stupid ass high school teenagers telling me that we don’t need to reform the work market and all they could say was “yeah anyway, I’ll not work in France later”. But you’re heavily protesting reforms? Goddamn Crazy French.

Most strikingly, the French birth rate has risen to just over two babies per woman. By some estimates, France’s population will overtake Germany’s by 2037. The French, it seems, are persuaded by the ambient gloom that their country is doomed—yet even their own behaviour suggests that they think it may have a future.

Ha! To me it’s not thinking about the future, it’s thinking about yourself, being a woman in your 30s and being stuck. When you’re having kids you socially jump from being a young woman struggling with your life like everybody else to a MOTHER. All of sudden everything changes and you are now socially supported and busy for eighteen years. To me this birth rate is not an optimistic way of seeing the future, pretty much the opposite actually. It feels like this: screw you future society, I’m having kids and having the life my parents had but worse and I don’t care what my children will have to deal with. The worldwide problem with sustainability, pollution etc comes from the fact that population grows. If you think about the future, today, you don’t have children (adoption would be ok though). I know it hurts.

France’s start-up scene may be relatively new, but a fresh generation of faces has begun to graduate into the big league. They include such figures as Pierre Kosciusko-Morizet of Priceminister, Marc Simoncini of Meetic, and Xavier Niel of Iliad, who launched Free, a telecoms firm, from nothing to take on the established giants.

The interesting part is that France struggles so hard to export. All of these start-ups are focusing on France and it’s not enough to create a lot of jobs. Just think about California and how the giants there –Facebook Apple MS Google- are getting most of their cash out of the state, obviously. I don’t care how, we –as any country does too today- need that to get a real economic growth (the population grows too, remember?) . Germany is so hot because they export like crazy. Outside of the big old French companies which are definitely not creating jobs but more reducing them it’s not happening here. Facebook barely existed in 2004 in its own country of birth and six years later there are 20M of French people using it. Even in the world of internet we stay French and don’t go global immediately, which is kind of the great thing of the internet right? Why not benefit from that right away? With the insane amount of culture the French have about other cultures, it shouldn’t be difficult.

The French seem simultaneously to hold two conflicting views. When asked if they backed the strikes, a majority said yes. When asked in the same poll whether raising the retirement age was “responsible towards future generations”, 70% also said yes. In other words, the French temperamentally liked the idea of protest, not least as a way of snubbing Mr Sarkozy. But, at the same time, they knew that raising the retirement age to 62, when the Greeks were being told to stay at their desks till 65, was the reasonable thing to do.

It’s smart. If your message is confusing and noisy when things get real you can choose which side you back up and argue forever without being wrong “Oh yeah I was not against that…”. Right. That’s how we deal with problems in France. Yes, it totally sucks. But when we have to do something because we really have to it usually happens in no time: the debate has been done to death.

The young, who have become serial collectors of short-term contracts, pay the price by lacking the security that the insiders enjoy.

And then it gets complicated: people have sex and form couples with often one “insider” and the other being on this short-term contract diet. Trying to find a balance. So people don’t fight the system, they accommodate around it and at the end, they’re pretty happy even if they know that the all thing is definitely unfair and not getting better. And so a generation later problems are the same +1. The plan is to find a place in the French machine that will make you go without too much harm if possible, to retirement. The social positive value is not to fulfill something –it triggers indifference or jealousy- but to exploit it dare I say, abuse it. Then you’re doing the right thing.

Next year we redistribute political cards and it will be interesting to see what will happen. Still looks so gloomy though.

Me Myself&I

Quiet Hip Hop Storm

WhatUpWithThat by Harold

I enjoy so much this achievement of opening my favorite music software with an empty page and then later there are 30+ tracks, dozens of parameters everywhere and hundreds of possibilities around a “simple beat”.

Then I release it and it feels like “yeah well, it’s cool but it’s just a beat”. And then I remember how little things make the song or don’t. It’s so incredible. It’s like life!

Me Myself&I

Vanity 1%

I read this Vanity Fair article and it reminded me of this Russian dude who recently bought a $100 million house in Cali, the biggest sale for a property in the US, ever. He’s not even going to live there. I know right?

Give me just 1% of that and I would pay cash for a high tech fully upgradeable almost off the grid passive house I would design and shape like I want. I would invest the rest of the money in diverse projects and try things out. If I failed with everything I still would have a comfy and healthy life while saving the Earth with my don’t-cost-anything-to-run small property.

Something like that, but smaller. Hot damn.

A million dollar. It seems so crazy and unreachable to me while it’s barely a tip for these people . And I’m part of the 10 or 20% of the population for whom it’s not that bad at all…

That’s why I feel so compelled to at least use that luck to do something that makes sense and not being ready to sell my sister for a fucking art book or a guitar collection or so many shit I could go crazy for. Owning things is not an end and it’s just so much what our society is telling us to do. So I’m like fuck no. I just want to own a place for the exact same reason that everybody wants that too. Live a good life. But for the rest… We waste so much. And I am lazy! I would not want to have a $10K unique bass, what about maintenance and what if it breaks? Standard, good stuff is great. It’s true peace of mind.

I hope people are going to invade this Russian house this summer, throw some parties and heavily pee in the fountain.

Me Myself&I

Fuck carrots

The thing is I’m not searching for racism proof, racism finds me. I’m on a funny Tumblr and there’s this Google search result about Asian people and I feel obligated to try it out too. Then I try with white black Indians… And I kind of freak out:

Google race results
Let’s see if it’s better in 10 years?

“Why do black people exist”. It’s just weird because it doesn’t really sound offensive yet it’s the most hostile thing from all searches. Suddenly I feel the urge to make this little picture editing to show the world that well, people using computers are mostly white and not that bright if I look at these screenshots.

Later I click on a BBC documentaries link via Twitter. I go through the list, I see Abraham Lincoln: Saint or Sinner? I click on it and read:

150 years after the war his reputation is being re-assessed, as historians begin to uncover the dark side of his life and politics. They have revealed that the president who ended slavery secretly planned to deport the freed black people out of America.

Wikipedia. Google. Lerone Bennett Jr. A book, Forced Into Glory: Abraham Lincoln’s White Dream 20 years of research, 688 pages. Bipolar reviews and comments, people praising the amount of work and that nothing is black or white and people complaining that this book is biased –you mean like mainstream “common” History?- and so on. It reminds me of stuff, like the Good Hair documentary I saw a few months ago:

The main focus in the film is the extreme lengths that black women are willing to go through in order to look a certain way. A common ideology in the African American culture is that the straighter the hair, the prettier the woman. On the contrary, a woman wearing her hair naturally (with no chemical processing) is viewed as unkempt or unprofessional. Black women are willing to spend thousands of dollars on their hair, even if they cannot afford to do so.

I think about Bill Russell, a basketball player –one of the best ever- I discovered through Flea’s Twitter account, who lived crazy times and hard segregation. I think about this documentary I haven’t seen yet because the start hurts so bad, Crips and Bloods: Made in America, something I wanted to see because it’s about L.A. (and directed by a famous skateboarder). It starts by explaining how black people were not allowed to be in the Boy Scouts so that they started their own clubs, who would have to deal with police all the time. Gang’s hood culture was born.

I think about Katrina and the second part of Spike Lee’s documentary is probably one of the most painful thing I have ever watched.

And everything makes sense. This crazy feeling of insecurity or that I have to prove something all the goddamn time. Why despite virtually being free, I feel something heavier and heavier that is making me think more than twice, too much. Damn if even I feel it, with my sweet 200% white back-story and family I can’t imagine what’s like for other black people and black men I see around. Unconsciously I make music because also, it’s where it’s fine to be a black dude in this society. Constantly asking myself “can I? May I? Should I?” because I know what people see, I know stereotypes are also true and that I try not to be that and yet I am sometimes. It makes sense. It comes from a long way. Social inertia is ridiculous. 

The older I get, the more I understand why smart black people who seem to be loved by any race end up building a bubble, living inside: Meshell, Dave Chappelle, Chris Tucker, Dieudonné, Prince whatever. It’s way too fucked up to be in the middle analyzing that shit, man.

Obama will always represent that first. Holy shit it felt good even if it sounds stupid.

Anyway, peace. And fuck carrots.

Me Myself&I

Visual art, sexology, social economics

The Art of Steal

It’s a documentary about the Barnes foundation one of the most amazing painting collection in the world.


I’ll take this comment from The Awl: “What you have is a powerful group of city elites with real estate and tourism dreams (they’re also avaricious philistines, by mere coincidence) determined to seize the control of this spectacular asset, and there simply isn’t anybody with the power or position to stop them. Their success has been a complete tragedy.”

I wish I could go before the collection moves downtown Philly in June…

The Perfect Vagina

Kind of eye-opening to see how women can be able to ruin their genitals based on what people (that is, stupid jerks and bitches) think of it. I always thought that big lips were like a big cock. More surface, more pleasure. I didn’t know the porn industry had such power by displaying small vulvas, a big turn on for men apparently (not a fan of the kid-looking pussy, thanks). I was amazed that these women didn’t even know that vaginas are unique, like their male counterpart. What the fuck??? We all are different, genitals included. It shows how depreciated this organ and source of pleasure is, even today in a pretty liberal society like the UK. Girls do what you have to do: be proud of it.

Have you ever tried to sell a diamond?

Outstanding article from 1982 –thank you the Atlantic, thank you- about the diamond bullshit, the exploitation of Africa, the insane wedding marketing in the US/Japan that would create demand “forever”, the 100 years monopoly, the absence of value of this so-called precious rock… Seven very well documented pages. There’s only one conclusion: don’t ever, ever buy any fucking diamond in your life. I’m glad I haven’t because I always thought that it wasn’t looking good. Some people use credits to buy this useless shit that is not even an investment. It’s pure loss.

Nothing that will make you smile, everything good to know though.