Me Myself&I

Visual art, sexology, social economics

The Art of Steal

It’s a documentary about the Barnes foundation one of the most amazing painting collection in the world.


I’ll take this comment from The Awl: “What you have is a powerful group of city elites with real estate and tourism dreams (they’re also avaricious philistines, by mere coincidence) determined to seize the control of this spectacular asset, and there simply isn’t anybody with the power or position to stop them. Their success has been a complete tragedy.”

I wish I could go before the collection moves downtown Philly in June…

The Perfect Vagina

Kind of eye-opening to see how women can be able to ruin their genitals based on what people (that is, stupid jerks and bitches) think of it. I always thought that big lips were like a big cock. More surface, more pleasure. I didn’t know the porn industry had such power by displaying small vulvas, a big turn on for men apparently (not a fan of the kid-looking pussy, thanks). I was amazed that these women didn’t even know that vaginas are unique, like their male counterpart. What the fuck??? We all are different, genitals included. It shows how depreciated this organ and source of pleasure is, even today in a pretty liberal society like the UK. Girls do what you have to do: be proud of it.

Have you ever tried to sell a diamond?

Outstanding article from 1982 –thank you the Atlantic, thank you- about the diamond bullshit, the exploitation of Africa, the insane wedding marketing in the US/Japan that would create demand “forever”, the 100 years monopoly, the absence of value of this so-called precious rock… Seven very well documented pages. There’s only one conclusion: don’t ever, ever buy any fucking diamond in your life. I’m glad I haven’t because I always thought that it wasn’t looking good. Some people use credits to buy this useless shit that is not even an investment. It’s pure loss.

Nothing that will make you smile, everything good to know though.

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