Me Myself&I

Vanity 1%

I read this Vanity Fair article and it reminded me of this Russian dude who recently bought a $100 million house in Cali, the biggest sale for a property in the US, ever. He’s not even going to live there. I know right?

Give me just 1% of that and I would pay cash for a high tech fully upgradeable almost off the grid passive house I would design and shape like I want. I would invest the rest of the money in diverse projects and try things out. If I failed with everything I still would have a comfy and healthy life while saving the Earth with my don’t-cost-anything-to-run small property.

Something like that, but smaller. Hot damn.

A million dollar. It seems so crazy and unreachable to me while it’s barely a tip for these people . And I’m part of the 10 or 20% of the population for whom it’s not that bad at all…

That’s why I feel so compelled to at least use that luck to do something that makes sense and not being ready to sell my sister for a fucking art book or a guitar collection or so many shit I could go crazy for. Owning things is not an end and it’s just so much what our society is telling us to do. So I’m like fuck no. I just want to own a place for the exact same reason that everybody wants that too. Live a good life. But for the rest… We waste so much. And I am lazy! I would not want to have a $10K unique bass, what about maintenance and what if it breaks? Standard, good stuff is great. It’s true peace of mind.

I hope people are going to invade this Russian house this summer, throw some parties and heavily pee in the fountain.

3 replies on “Vanity 1%”

I was just beginning to re-read “The Gift” by Lewis Hyde, which says there is no art without gift, and asks how artists can live in our society…. If I never mentioned it to you, you should have a look it’s really interesting.
I’ve never finished it but I know it’s worth to read it, even if only for the thinking!

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