Me Myself&I

Company building

When I asked Evan for the story of how and why they built the product, he talked about how they would do stuff like build something, showed it to RANDOM people — like homeless people — and watched them use it, with no explanation or guidance. Then they would ask questions, gain some insight, and iterate.

On building companies.

It’s amazing how game development is at the forefront of trends. In game development, this approach is commonly done by people making good games and has been the case for years and years. Build, Test, Gather Data, Iterate.

It’s about that speed, that real time building revolution brought by computers and globalization. Acting and changing things at almost the speed you think them through, at impossible scales ten years ago is such a change and opportunity.

I wish a lot of things were that fluid. I push my dad to iterate and make prototypes of his passive house business from the beginning. Be open, be flexible, aim for some kind of fast, green Lego, don’t try to design so much what they will look like. Keep it simple. Don’t stop and if possible, go faster.

He listens, a bit.


I mean if you look at it

Making games is risky and hard, right? You need to make it profitable (and for those who still don’t understand simple economics, the game needs to be profitable so that you can think making another one).

That’s the premise. So you’d think game developers would reduce risks, at least a little bit.  But these are the trends these days:

-Make exclusives, trying to be system-sellers. I think the 90s are over and system sellers are unicorns today. The masters of system selling, Nintendo, haven’t really done it since Wii Sports seven years ago. People buy their devices, there will be (good) games on it, the end.

-Actually they are not really exclusives. Players know the game will eventually come to their platform, especially if people are on WinSteam. Everything ends up there, eventually. People adore sales and always will.

-Be the first big buzz on a new platform, even if the platform is pretty much inexistent for now (Leap, Ouya, XB1 PS4).

-Avoid a big platform with no competition (Win8), dedication for a big platform with insane competition (iOS).

In some way, game developers add as much risk as they can on an already very risky software business. I mean, it’s just weird. Even weirder, navigating this professionally.

Me Myself&I

The toilet, just think about it

Around 30% of our water usage each day is used to flush our personal garbage output.

We use tons of paper toilet, the worst way of cleaning up some dirty butt hole. Everyone realizes this changing a baby or after contracting diarrhea.

We spend probably six months of our lives cleaning up that dumb bowl that we soil every single day. It’s some people’s jobs, it’s their lives for decades.

So we use some hundreds year old technology that we relentlessly clog with stupidly ultra soft toilet paper, in which we run massive amount of precious potable water in order to get rid of something with little value that we produce everyday?

And we’re just smiling like dumb fucks. We are ants crawling on this planet, make no mistake.

Me Myself&I


I need to write that shit down but I don’t even know where to start. I’ve read so much since the verdict.

I heard it Saturday night. I was alone. I had met two middle aged black ladies doing a yard sale up the street that day walking the dog. I had excused myself, passing through their stuff and one said “it’s all good!” which I rarely if ever hear in white LA. It made me smile. It sounds cool, it sounds chill compared to the straight, almost passive aggressive “it’s all right”.

That night I broke down. I broke down hard and I could have broke down so much harder. Thought of my white foster mom who last time I saw her two months ago was talking about “that nigger” who wanted to help her at the hospital. You have no idea. Thankfully I heal like Wolverine.

All I wanted that verdict night was to go up the street and hug these ladies, in silence. Eyes closed and running. Of course, I didn’t do it.

I kind of hit a point with this story: I don’t really want to talk about racism with white people, ever again. Sorry white friends, nothing personal. Most of you just haven’t read enough about black history and it’s a little hard for me to be in the middle witnessing everything.

I still can’t formulate my feelings. Not really angry or hopeless –I mean of course I am-, I more feel like this is it, black people need to not believe and quickly as possible try to live out of that system that systematically, forever it seems, will punish us.

It took me almost two weeks to post that, reading it over and over. I shouldn’t keep that shit in me for so long.

Me Myself&I

Blog tools

Rick Rubin article. All articles should take this form.

A decade writing things down on the internet later, our tools still suck balls. Hard. Anil Dash has a wishlist that doesn’t quite do it for me. What I would love:

– Distraction free environment like this, only you publish directly on the web.

– Formatting should happen in different ways, markdown if you want or standard word processor shortcuts or html if you’re crazy. Choice.

– Inserting pictures. It really helps reading an article and inserting pictures is a massive pain in the ass right now. It should be as simple as drag and drop with a system that automatically uploads to a chosen destination the picture and links to the original, all in one click. That would be the shit, if I may.

– Rendering. Well, that would be swell if again it was super easy to change/add simple but crucial things like fonts or background. We should be able to have magazine quality blogs (like Quartz or Medium) in just a couple of clicks, taps or shortcuts whatever floats your boat. More than easy to read whatever device we use, nice looking and peaceful.

I guess WordPress kind of does all of that (except for the first one) but I don’t want to use anything in a browser. I dedicate the browser to consuming, not creating when native apps are ten times better in usage.

Web publishing has barely changed in ten years, time to kick the shit out of it with one-click mechanisms, privacy and awesome user experiences.


Why counter-strike is one of the best game ever

Excellent note from Frank Lantz on the EVO tournament.

Fighting games are about jumping and punching, but they are also about science. They are about reverse-engineering the fundamental properties of complex software, exploring the limits of perception, decision, and action, mapping the borderlands between humans and machines. They are about strategic analysis and technical innovation, about forming hypotheses and testing them, developing theories and collaborating to build a shared body of knowledge.

Fighting games are about competition, but they are also about empathy, not as a fuzzy concept to pay homage to but as a guiding principle of absolute necessity – Yomi, the ability to see the world through your opponent’s eyes as they see through yours, to directly experience their pride, their fear, their knowledge, their ignorance, and to indirectly experience your own, to overcome them by becoming them, by becoming something that is neither one of you alone.

That is exactly what Counter-strike brings in, only you are not 1 VS 1 jumping and punching in 2D but 5 VS 5 running and shooting in 3D.

It’s insanely deep. There are so many things possible. Because it’s team based, because rules are so strict –you can “die” with one bullet- I’ve never seen more empathy in games than in CS: people buying weapons for their teammates, people sacrificing themselves for the team to win are common treats. Players would drop their weapons to make noises (and confuse the other team) and I’m not even talking about all the nasty lol-induced things you can do with grenades. It’s really about fucking your opponent team’s mind up, using bugs if necessary: you can plant a bomb on a map in a way that, it can’t be defused because it’s unreachable or how we all run with the knife to go faster.

Fighting games are about violence, but they are also about violence transmuted into something like poetry. This is the alchemical magic of games. Chess slows thought down in order to observe its properties, fighting games speed thought up to the point where thinking shades into acting, where the two categories stop being distinct, like a particle accelerator for the mind.

And CS does both. During a match, let’s say a quarter of finals or finals, players spend a huge amount of time placing themselves at the good spot. They temporize. They use silence as a massive pressure tool on the other team. Once everyone is at its position, it’s like a fighting game: it’s all about speed, coordination and breathing slowly. It’s super intense, it’s as if in a fighting game you could lose at each punch or kick you receive. The spectrum of social events and emotions in CS is amazing: companionship when you start, running with your buddies. Organization when you get ready to do what you have to do while having the back of your mates, talking, chatting, sending “affirmative” on the radio. Fear, suspicion, nervousness when things get closer. Pain, when you get hit so hard at the first exchange and that you know you need to retreat behind your team. Guilt. Losing trust when your teammate shoots you, a second time. Humility, when someone saves you because, it really means something in this game. The desperation when shit hits the fan and that you pretty much go kamikaze. The hilarity of dumb ass situations (two dudes running in circle, reloading). The sheer, massive joy when everything went like you wanted to (I read your mind, bitch! And my team rocks!). All that in a what, 10 minutes game? It’s fabulous.

I’ve never encounter any game that propels you into this zone and enjoyment of setting up things and then go go go with your four mates. It’s one of the most social game I have ever played because you really need to bond with your team. CS pace is a jewel.

That fighting games are a kind of cognitive artform tells us something about video games and about computers, but it also raises questions about other kinds of games – Basketball, Tennis, the “sweet science” of Boxing. Are these purely physical games as purely physical as they seem, or are they too, under the hood, more intelligent then they look?

Or course they are. Games are defined by rules and physical games –sports- have awesome tight, rules. For instance just the simple fact that in basketball as long as the ball is not in your hand when the buzzer buzzes you can score (it’s almost a hack, isn’t it?) gave us mind blowing games and emotions. Even how sports are often designed so that teams exchange field side during half time or how tennis is such a mental game (you can tell by watching games or if you played Virtual Tennis), show that they are far more than just physical activities. They are super heavily play tested games with very stable rules, to me. So they are very interesting.

Back to CS. Amazing balance (I wouldn’t be surprised if the 5 VS 5 came from basketball). What I notice between competitive games and sports is that they usually have hard rules with the less randomness, luck possible. Which is why they create such drama and attract people. Also, they are usually pretty easy to play and this is where to me that fighting games fail: it’s fairly complex today. Street Fighter II was deep, but easy to enter. Now listen to KoF XIII:

The first of the three is the new EX Mode, which convert each character’s super moves into more powerful versions that allows one bar from the player’s power gauge for EX Special Moves and two bars from the player’s power gauge for EX Desperation Moves. Another new feature is the Hyper Drive mode,

I mean, no. I don’t want to learn that shit. It’s easy to explain CS to a newbie and there are thousands of hours of depth behind. “you follow that dude to that destination, protecting him” “you keep your position so no one comes in”. Anyone understands that, it’s like soccer: the goal is this, you can’t do that, move. Moving in a 3D space is not harder than hitting perfect combos on gamepads and in CS it’s never been so fair: I’ve seen excellent Quake III players get eliminated as fast as newbies because their 3D skills didn’t matter: you still can be shot dead in one click while your rocket jump will not happen.

Finding a balance between a low barrier to entry while managing huge depth in a game is a very, very hard task. And that’s why once it works, you don’t freaking change anything, maybe upgrade it a bit (Street Fighter IV’s producer has stated that he wanted to keep the game closer to Street Fighter II).

Counter-Strike never really changed, for that very reason. I haven’t played it in ten years and it’s still in my mind. You change its theme, change the real bullets to paintball and to me it’s one of the purest, most social computer game I have ever played. And it will be very hard, like popular sports like soccer to take its crown away. This game is kind of perfect. Honest.

Me Myself&I

Black gold of the sun

I recently turned 34 and I don’t dwell on the past or think about how I happened to be where I am now. The ride is so insane, Six Flags will not have one of these before a long, long time.

My mom finally found a receipt I absolutely need for my immigration process even though my status is automatically prolonged. It feels weird to have your life depend on a paper notice, challenging the idea that microchips and biometrics are useful. Anyway, I will always feel OK helping my parents but I always feel so mad at myself for asking them to help me out, especially to find a damn paper. Sorry mom, I blame Six Flags.

I have been following Zimmerman’s trial sporadically, when the hashtag occurrence passes a threshold. It’s when I see Trayvon’s parents with all their dignity that I think black people are the strongest people in the world without a feel of superiority, just the feeling of being proud. Which immediately pops up the question in my head “where you at in my life, black folks? I haven’t seen you in forever”. This intense emergency of simply have black people around, more of them is burning my heart at a solar temperature level. I always have to seal the door very quickly after starting to feel this. And the door stays incandescently red.

I try to be careful, not to jump in the lava. It’s about that survival bias thing. But that feeling that I need black people around me more to feel better is so anchored in my bones, at least feels unstoppable sometimes.

Pragmatically I don’t want to think about it I have shit to do, son but what if it makes me crazy at some point? I always felt that if I cared about people around me, I’d be all right. It’s been true so far but it doesn’t really help with satisfying growing feelings.

Chilling with my black internet folks helps a lot though. Fake internet friends are not so fake.

Me Myself&I


NSA, Snowden, surveillance, people are waking up and realizing that governments do spy on them. But for black folks, it’s old story. We have a sense that governments can just annihilate us whenever they want, it’s called look back at History, read books.

If you haven’t heard about CointelPro, read the link. At that time, it was still easy to steal FBI documents. Mass surveillance is old.

The FBI spied on people in the 60s and went on to kill leaders of organizations they deemed “dangerous”. It’s heavily documented. I mean killing people is going too far on the surveillance list. Oh yeah, it was mostly against everyone not WASP, for some reason.

When you know that they did everything to trap a Black Panther party member and finally assassinate him early 70s, you can’t be surprised at the NSA recording terabytes of data every hour these days.

But as long as it wasn’t their asses being spied on, white people didn’t give a damn. Now they are shocked. It reminds me of Occupy Wall street: “Cops are mean! They don’t stop profiling me!”. No shit, Sherlock.

I’m not saying it’s OK for governments to do that –of course it’s not- but if only white people had given more criticism toward that stuff going on 40 years ago instead of just closing their eyes. “not my problem”, full throttle?

Bitch, now it’s your problem too. And we’re all kind of naked out there. Awesome.


Game audio reboot

I’m rebooting myself on game audio, thinking about what really made me want to start that weird job. Playing a large array of games from the 90s to now these days.

Maybe I should do a 3 point “why game audio is still so obscure?” post because it’s always made games much better, the last one I played for which it’s totally the case being Hotline Miami.

1. Game audio became too technical.

Thanks to the AAA industry a lot of game audio is about 3D audio, High Dynamic Rendering and other 7.1 requirement that pretty much -and I know, it hurts- no one cares about. Meanwhile game audio design goes toward the less is more approach which leaves us with background audio fading in and out while dialog takes the main piece of the game audio cake.

I come from a time when game audio was literally made to tractor beam kids to arcade machines blasting kicks and punches, electro bass and sticks clickety-clicks.

In 2013 kids play on soundless touch, mobile devices with shitty headphones at best, no sound at worst. Parents play on their couches in the evening, with the sound on moderate if not low volume after a hard day. Nothing technically or socially that matches what “technical” sound design requires to enjoy it at its best.

I feel like there’s a tremendous difference between what’s going on the market and what game audio designers do. So we end up with very rough, fill-in game audio for 80% of games, 10% with Hollywood-like audio budgets and 10% that are doing something that makes sense (indie games, mostly).

2. Game audio is too hermetic.

I’m from the Mizuguchi school of thoughts which could be described as “there is no difference between Audio and Visual, it’s all one experience with computer games.” So I obviously see all audio to be one experience. Of course there are different fields but let’s blend more, sound folks. Game audio is a mix of different skills. Everything should go together in a better way than in a weird sandwich way, like we often do these days. Old arcade games have great sound design signatures from sound effects to music to voice over. and it goes with the visuals too. It’s tight.

It feels like before game audio was part of the experience when it’s now more on the side of production value (bigger game, more developed audio).

It’s changing, developers are back on caring for audio (all the last indie games shine on that).

3. Game audio doesn’t do music enough and voice over too much.

It’s almost something entirely shifted from game audio and it shouldn’t be. Choosing the type, designing the music should totally be part of the game audio designer’s job. It’s amazing how soporific music became in games with the advancement of 3D graphics. The last game music people talk about§remember are from early 2000s, and most are from the 80s/90s. It says something. We need to be more bold about it. Never forget Sagat stage, one of the weirdest game music ever and absolutely memorable because it fits that moment in the game (almost the end), that character, that mood. Composed by Alph Lyla, Capcom in-house band made of composers and sound designers. See what I mean? We totally lost that or let’s say that it’s too rare.

Past the novelty of it mid 90s –people in the game talking to me, yay!- I’ve never been a fan of voice-over (well explained here). In Skyrim you’re looking at 60,000 lines of dialogs. Mass Effect 3, 40,000 lines. It’s great and all but mid-sized developers shouldn’t dream of doing the same but dig around others aspects of game audio that would cost less and impact I would say, even more than hours of acting. Because seriously, there’s also a whole lot of terrible dialogs out there.

Even on the technical part we never pushed forward true adaptive music, like it was back in the day (music accelerating with the timer approaching zero, muting instruments, starting page 10). So, what’s up with that?

4. Game audio is not core to development enough.

When it is, it always works for the better. But mostly, it’s at the end of a game almost done. And that’s as bad as it gets to make something as great as possible. Despite knowing exactly why and how making a game is so intense, that sound is suddenly low priority it doesn’t change the fact that audio needs to be thought as early as possible and in-game asap too. It’s a battle, I’m making an almost audio-only game so in this case, I’m in the center from the start. For once. Sigh.

Game audio is so fascinating because no one is paying attention to it and yet it does change, elevate things like nothing else.

Me Myself&I

Mobile x86

On purely a hardware level, it seems much more likely to me that an x86 chip with x86-class performance will be put in a smartphone long before an ARM chip with x86-class performance can be shrunk.

Absolutely fascinating article on why mobile apps are slow. The reason x86 would come mobile first is because CPU fabrication became massively expensive. x86 CPUs would fit a smartphone within the next under-20nm process, which necessitates fabs that cost a couple billions to build today and that only Intel has (Samsung too but they don’t makes CPUs).

The rest of the article highlights the big problem with memory and GC. But GC is used a lot, everywhere. That’s the thing, it’s been invented to produce code faster it’s a design decision. It’s a problem right now with mobile based on ARM.

But will it be in three years with x86-class performance in any device? Because GC doesn’t impact x86 CPUs as much and helps programmers tremendously, it might be better: mobile x86 + GC = robust apps for users, easier work for developers.

Nevertheless, developers need to get better with performance. There is no way we can deal with a sluggish, unresponsive digital life whatever language, platform you guys use.