Me Myself&I


India seems to be pivoting into an authoritarian regime.

Europe’s far right is stronger than ever and supporting Israel, a not so chill democratic state.

Russia. Enough said.

America and its right-wing nuts reverting things that should never be reverted ever, like women’s rights to abortion.

I struggle to find a way out of this absurdity because at the same time, we’re more connected than ever. We’re not stranded by a lack of communication, we’re drowning in it.

So, it’s not a matter of knowledge. It’s a matter of framing. Phones and algorithms have supercharged the most unhinged behaviors and takes. It’s wild to witness but mostly, it’s impossible to modify due to the fact that those two things that didn’t exist 15 years ago, are private and/or personal. Everyone is on some self-reinforcing shit, basically.

How do we go back to calm and sanity? I’ll say it again: Universal Income. Sustainable Housing.

Nothing else can improve democracy. Nothing.

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