
Less is oh, way more

The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse

Rick is right. It’s been a known phenomenon. The buffet style, all you can eat for one fee, leads to irrelevance.

It happened to restaurants and food. It’s happening with streaming and music. It’s happening with streaming and movies and shows. It’s happening with game pass and games.

We saturate our minds so hard, we don’t feel anything anymore. We don’t have time for this. On the production side, everything is optimized against numbers and hype so everything tastes, feels, sounds the same.

Late stage capitalism has ruined our entertainment and greed from both customers and producers is the reason. There, I said it.

The 90s felt like a treasure hunt. In the real world, kids. Most of the time, it felt alienating. “I’m just trying to get that album/video/game ffs!!!” And you would scour like a mf everywhere. Months, maybe years. But when you were getting your hands on that thing oh boy, was it special. Or frustrated, you would go “fuck it, I’ll get that one, not sure” and sometimes it would be the best shit ever. Or maybe not, but you’d spent some money on it and you would realize that it has its quality. Sunk cost fallacy or whatever, you would be alone with that thing and start appreciate it. Maybe it was even making you better at empathy, under forced practice.

We just throw everything out in minutes today. Even the hottest shit that was the hottest just last week. It’s absurd and so wasteful.

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