Me Myself&I

‘rona 2024

My parents were giggling. “Yeah, there’s a COVID surge here, we have a new variant, they talk about it in the news.” I tell them.

“Oh right, the pandemic! We’re not worry about it.” That was the message three weeks ago.

Last weekend: “I was out this week, for three days I was really sick and then I was not well for the rest of the week . COVID I think.” my mom said.

I’m so sick of this inept behavior, goddamn.

Me Myself&I


You see this door/wall? It weights 6 tons. It’s moving through a combination of manual hand-crank, good old pulley and gears. A child can open and close it.

Not that I’m thinking about something that big in HHH, but I really want the least possible amount of electronics managing my house. No central computer. No “smart” lamps. No internet access for the fridge.

Electric stuff at best. When they fail, you change a breaker and you’re good to go for the next 15 years. I want lots of manual things so that I move my ass because that’s what the body is for: to fucking move.

I don’t see anything good about electronics in the house outside of headaches. I read them online and it’s so crazy. “my lamp needed to upgrade its firmware, but my phone died so I had to charge it before turning the lights on with the lamp app”. CRAZY.

A house needs to just run. Flip a switch, boom. Raise your arm to get the curtains to move, bam. No apps, no updates, no hacking, no headaches.

Now electric radiant floor heating, low e double pane glass, computer optimized airflow and house orientation, yes, 100%. That’s where technology shines.

Me Myself&I

Dijonai 3

Look, this is DiJonai’s stats from 3 this season. Lots of zeros.

This is DiJonai’s stats from the 3-point line this season after my post on June 19th, praising her all the way but talking crazy about her 3-point shot skills (she can’t shoot from there, real clown girl shit). I’m sorry, baby. I am the clown:

She since then shot 50% twice, including a rather high volume one (3/6) AND score a 44.4% one with high volume (4/9), securing the win for her team in OT, which was down most of the game.

DiJonai if you read this, please leave a comment and let’s get tacos next time you’re in L.A.

If it’s you Simulation, well that was fun.

Me Myself&I

Sometimes I want to tell my supervisor

“On God”

And it would be hilarious considering the start of our conversations.

Maybe one day.

Me Myself&I

Two women in my life

One is older than me, the other is younger.

One is Mexican, one is Japanese.

They both call me HALOLD and I can’t stop smiling at how cute it sounds.

Me Myself&I

Birthday boy

It was indeed, a gorgeous day.

Me Myself&I


This woman is a beast.

She was great last year but she’s totally killing it this season. Super impactful, she’ll track your ass on defense like a remora on a shark. She has three lungs so you’ll be in constant pain trying to lose her.

She’ll go for the block. She’ll go for the steal. She’ll slash through. She’ll assist. Her 3-point shot is not great but fuck a 3-point shot, basketball is not just that.

She is so fluid on the floor. Talk about floating above the deck. She moves like the wind and her instincts are sharp.

It’s DiJonai Carrington, and she’s amazing. Keep going, sis.

Me Myself&I

Just looking

I observe people trying to create businesses to get paid.

Substack, OnlyFans, Patreon, Twitch, etc.

Two things come to mind:

  • Nothing works well enough to have one single job.

  • And that’s the end of your mental health.

There are no more jobs, y’all. Everything is maxed out. People try to find new veins of gold, but there’s none anymore.

We’ve expensed everything. Every single market is absolutely saturated. Music, vegetables, solar panels, mobile pet groomers, online pussy, same. Even scamming is ultra-competitive and not worth it today!

Every market ends up the same: 10% of actors make 90% of profit and the other end which is 90% of us, makes close to nothing. That is completely unsustainable and unhealthy.

Everyone thinks “yeah but not me though” forgetting that we’re not living in a vacuum, and that they will be impacted (maybe massively) too, at some point, even if they’ve been absurdly lucky until now. Just wait for that L.

“Let us remember that the automatic machine… is the precise economic equivalent of slave labor. Any labor which competes with slave labor must accept the economic consequences of slave labor.”

Norbert Wiener – Wikipedia

We are competing with perfect automatic machines, perfect slaves (24/7 productivity, keeps learning constantly) at all levels, now. We don’t want to accept the economic consequences of that slave labor, but we’re in it. And it needs to fucking stop. It doesn’t have to be that way anymore.

When I talk to people about UBI, they get it but feel like that’s a stretch. Maybe later.

I feel like I’m the only one truly grasping the urgency these days. And it feels crazy because e-very-thing points at it being mandatory since the 2010s and forward. Let’s get it.

Me Myself&I

Alt News

There’s Flaming Hydra. 404 Media. Defector. Aftermath. Racket. Hell Gate. And so many more. This isn’t a new phenomenon — several of the publications in this broad category have been around for years. But we’ve reached a tipping point, for a number of reasons. The bad ones are obvious: the old news media is truly, finally dying. Distribution by social media collapsed as the neo-fash tycoons swept in. Something something AI.

Right! But

Paying for subscriptions for content has been fully normalized between Patreon and OnlyFans and Dropout and a lot of other human-scale media memberships. Many would much rather pay normal people every month than fork out for yet another corporate streaming service.

Those news platforms exist thanks to a lot of people sacrificing something. That is not sustainable nor scalable, hasn’t been for 30 years now. A myriad of subscriptions, which always go up in price and numbers, only sends readers to the cancel button. The math just doesn’t math without Universal Income. And of course, those payment platforms can overnight be owned by the old news media owners who are still so filthy rich that they can do that without losing a single yacht. Gawker went down with the quickness. I’m still shocked by that.

WordPress. Citizen-based, local-heavy news. Lower traffic. Genuine content. Things need to get more calm and governments need to step up to help their citizens. These are the breaks, I think.

Me Myself&I


Re-watching Ranma 1/2.

I had forgotten a lot about it and it’s pretty funny!


I couldn’t NOT be romantic growing up on cartoons with backgrounds like this.